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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Amnesty - What John McCain didn't learn.


    Life Lessons on Americans Lives for Mr. John McCain

    The American people have been suckered
    on so many things we just don't trust anything from govco. As John McCain said himself, the American people don't trust the government with the border fence, I'd suggest there are a few more things Americans don't trust them with too Mr. McCain. John McCain thinks when he talks the American people should fall to the ground and believe everything he says is true. Well, Mr. McCain, thats what all before you have said and 99% brought us back a pile of crap while we get a huge bill to pay, Americans are always the one sacrificing while very few of us actaully make real headway throughout our lives. In my lifetime I've faced 4 slave labor movements in this country Mr. McCain. First on blacks, then on women, then on blacks again and then on illigal immigrants. The American People have been caught in every one. Especially blacks .Americans fianlly get a decent living and start making some kind of life for themselves, women slave labor comes in. We go to school, change jobs, start getting ahead again, black slave labor comes in. Our income drops 25% again. We get another job, start a small business, start getting out of debt, then we got illegal slave labor coming in. Because some of us refuse to break the law, We lose our business, then get a job paying half what it did before illegal immigration, back in debt again, pay check down 50%!
    Lets see, the african slave movement and discrimination went on to the 1500's thru 1970's?, the womens movement (which was all a corporate plan to get cheap labor) in the 70's and 80's. In the 90's there was no slave movement and look how we boomed until the year 2000 when the illegal immigration slave agenda hit America, its been all down hill since then. can you see a pattern here Mr. McCain? can you see that when America refuses to use slave labor, its actually financially good for the country?

    During the period of no monopolies and no slave wages (computers-1990-2000) the country was in better financial shape and the majority of Americans were 20 times better off than today. But the global elite are now World slave drivers and now we are being faced with more slavery than ever and it probably won't be long before the chinese slaves arrive here to run the chinese companies they bought for pennies on the dollar because the chinese are the United States private pawn shop. You sell real cheap to get money fast and thats why this country is in massive trouble. It all goes back to financial responsibility.

    When does it stop Mr. McCain?!
    Face it, The only thing that never has changed in Washington DC is a claim to Slavery. Just as the majority of our forefathers (business owners) and congressmen owned and operated slaves in the 16, 17 and 1800's, present day politicians have kept up the tradition. The only thing you really learned is if you have enough slaves in the fields with the American workers, they all become slaves. So I would submitt to you Mr. McCain that as surely as we are bunched and gathered and enslaved for your benefit, you have become the slave owner. The politicians and corporate elites also have been bunched into the same group of those previous slave owners and your consequences will be rewarded with the same degree of kindness that those were afforded. At every turn the American people overcome obstacles placed on us by Big Greedy Government and the global elites. At some point people get tired of being slaves and that time is rapidly coming!

    All this is suprising,
    considering you were a prisoner of war, Seems you would have figured out the human condition and recognised the need to be a free and respected people. That the fruits of ones labor should bring a decent living and a respectible place in society because life is just to short. As the supreme court ruled "our money is our voice" without proper living wages we have no voice, no representation and therefore we are mere slaves.

    Just as you Mr. McCain were a prisoner of war,
    the American People are a prisoners of the global war, the illegal immigration war. As you speak so highly of the decorated soldiers that died on the battlefield I hear nothing of the silent soldiers that have died right here on our soil for this global cause of your party and the CFR. Just as you were tortured and placed in a living hell many of us have been tortured and raped right here on our own soil, with government complicity. Your story is one of great heroism and rightly so but we have 3 border agents who are in jail trying to protect the American border from chaos. Where is your compassion for our hero's Mr. McCain?

    Why haven't you lead a movement to get those border agents free Mr. McCain.
    You say you have the EXPERIENCE and the JUDGEMENT to lead this country but you won't even acknowledge we have a serious illegal immigration problem here in this country that is wreaking havoc on our American Citizens. Yeah, you've heard the American people alright. You just showed us how much you know about the average Americans life Mr. McCain. You just keep talking about the poor good illegals Mr.McCain. Maybe if the global mainstream media would run a ticker on the casualties of this invasion on America your eyes will open up a little. Maybe instead of seeing that poor mexican girl playing in the run down streets of Mexico, you'll take off the rose color glasses and see that poor American girl playing in the run down streets of America. Maybe you'll see the innocent little girl that was raped by an illegal iimigrant that got released and then repeated the crime with a new victim. Maybe you'd see the two 17 year old sisters that got killed by a drunk driving illegal immigrant that got released and killed yet another American and fled back to Mexico never to pay for his crimes. Maybe you ought to go to a few funerals of the innocent soldiers in this war Mr. Mccain. Truth is, your another global agenda loving politician and you are defenitly not in touch with the American People. You sure don't know what rule of law and justice are about Mr. McCain.

    John McCain said he heard Americans on the Amnesty Bill.
    He said Americans want a border fence. We said more than that Mr. McCain. We said we want it nipped in the bud, NOW! Here's the little secret Mr. McCain, you gotta feel the rampet crime going on with illegal immigration like we do everyday to know what it is about. That sir is the problem in a nutshell. Your not driving to work everyday sitting in traffic lines that are backed up because of 200,000 more drivers ( illegal) are clogging up the streets. Your not there at your daughters school that is now 40% illegals while your property taxes go up. Your not the one working for $15 instead of $25 like before the illegal invasion. Your not the one who's husband got executed by some illegal. Your not the one that has to pay a $35,000 hospital bill while illegals are getting simular treatments and never pay a dime. Your not the one who's pension got yanked without representation. Your not the one who's health insurance has risen 150% in the last 10 years. Your not the one that is losing their home because they now make 30% less than than before the invasion. We can't print money at will like the government Mr. McCain. Have you seen this country lately sir!

    I my opinion you didn't learn very much Mr. McCain.
    It seems you want to pick which part of the Amnesty bill the American people don't like. Well there were many parts of the Amnesty bill we don't want Mr. McCain. You just chose to hear our voice on the border fence and you think as long as that fence is there that everything else goes. We know how this works Mr. McCain, we've delt with your kind before sir and make no mistake your a politician. If you are Elected to the Presidential office I predict right now, there will be more illegal or a lot more (10's of millions) legal immigrants coming here before a fence is finished if you do build a fence at all. What kind of fence will it be Mr.McCain?

    And speaking of the fence why haven't you lead the effort to get the 3.2 Billion dollars
    of border fence money re-instated so we can get that fence built pronto? Mr. Mccain why do you call for building only 700 miles of that border fence? You heard the American People all right, the part you wanted to hear. I guess you didn't hear that Americans want all the borders fenced. I haven't heard one word from you Mr. McCain on this subject. Re-instate the damn border fence money right now Mr. McCain! We got work to do, lets get it done! It should not matter if you get elected Mr. McCain, if you love this country so much and border security is all the sudden so impotant to you because its important to us, and you have realized what the American People want, build the damn fence now, there is no need to wait unless you want to try and hold people hostage to your promise for a vote. We know you have tremendous pull on immigration policy, you should be able to get this done without being president.

    So, we see your true colors Mr. McCain.
    Did you have anything to do with getting the fence money pulled Mr. Mccain? So you could hold the American people hostage on a promise to get that fence built if a vote was cast for you? Or, do you really plan on not building a fence at all? Or is it going to be a token fence? Some kind of fence that wouldn't hold out a stray cat but never the less a fence? And maybe thats why you don't want to start building the all important fence right now, because then we can actually see your progress. And you know if the American people see a weak little fence or a stringy wire with camera's on it we will not be happy and we will not vote for you. So, your agenda is totally transparent now. You don't ever intend to build the fence. If you were and you are staking the Presidential Election on that then you would go ahead and give the American People some visual proof that you are being honest with us. As Americans look at hundreds of miles of that double layered fence and then you bragging about it on the debates, you couldn't lose in 2008. If your intentions are honorable and truely close to every fiber of your being there is no reason we can't start building that fence right now!No reason at all!

    I'll bet a thousand to one
    that either you or your kin folks have a business that is using illegal labor. And its probably you Mr. McCain. yeah, the business might not have your name on it physicly but I guarantee you have interest that aid and abett illegal immigration, and that sir is a crime.

    The real thing we saw a little of before and again tonight Mr. McCain,
    is by the words you speak and don't speak, the crafting of your words, shows your just another CFR guy trying to screw things up for the American people based on terror threats and International Interest in big international money and world dominance. Your terror threats are so yesterday just like the cushy politicians. Like Ron Paul says everything people do is based on the finances. If your fanancial house is in order, you save money and spend wisely you will have one happy life, stability, a future and a retirement. Thats what it comes down to. 65% of divorce is because of fianances. Finances are the number one priority. If you have a big government savings account from limiting your spending, you can actually have twice the prosperity because your not paying double by having to pay the debt back and then the interest on the debt. The longer the debt is carried for a long period of time the higer the overall price of the loan. Plus the money that was borrowed is already spent and there are no assets to show from it.The price the American People have paid in human (to many) cost and monetary ($20 Trillion-last ten years) cost and we have nothing (NOTHING!) to show for it except missles and bombs that can blow the world up? Thats why people should stay out of debt at all cost. The money spent paying the debt could be savings going into retirement for Americans if it were given back to them. But the government forgot about accounting and checking, I'll bet the national debt is at least 30% higher and I guarantee the illegal immigrant estimate is at least 60% more than the government claims. If Americans were paid good wages and not slave wages due to illegal immigration we might not be in the hard place we're in right now, Maybe young couples would get married and have kids instead of abortions. Maybe they could help out their struggling relatives. We can sure as hell do it better than you can. Stop holding us down and get he illegals out of here NOW! Just like the Arabs have an endless money supply from their oil wells, American government has had an endless supply of money from the American people. Its time to stop it before it is totally dried up! And politicians like you wonder why the American people don't trust you? The American people had a bomb dropped on them Mr McCain, its called illegal immigration, outsourcing and theft of 9 trillion dollars!

    Another issue we've got Mr. McCain is,
    The American People heard you say there would be new education and training for those affected by outsourcing and put out of a job. Mr. McCain who do you think are going to be the first in line for that education and training? I'm sure the illegals will be right in step for the free program. What you should have said is there will be new training and education for AMERICANS who have been cut out of a job. We see that your vision doesn't distinguish between Americans and others. You live in a PC world. In your eyes everyone that can get over that border before your supposed fence projct goes up is more than welcome and should be entitled to every benefit they can grab at the tax payer expense. Look at the unemployment stats Mr. McCain. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that 20 million illegals are not counted in the stats so it is impossible to come close to what the real unemployment rate is, as every government official will tell you there aren't sure how many illegals are here. Then, we know the unemployment figures don't include people that stopped looking for work. I see hundreds everyday that stopped looking for slave jobs because they are slave jobs.
    We made more money at 22 years old than we do now 25 years later Mr. McCain. So, you tell me what is good about 60 million $10 an hour jobs? I know, the government wants to help us by giving us free this and that, we don't want handouts Mr. McCain, we want a decent days wage for a days hard work. All that giving you politicians want to do goes back to the old slave trade mentality, give them a little and keep them shut up! The thing that gets me Mr. McCain is there is a much easier way to get where Americans want to be. Of course isn't the same global agenda that you and your buddies have but it is an agenda of working hard, being able to prosper, making something meaningful for our kids future, the rule of law and a soveriegn nation. Americans aren't interested in being in the NAU, Americans aren't interested in having stakes all over the world. Americans aren't interested in supporting slave nations like China and the like. We want to do our jobs, come home and be with our families. We don't want to and shouldn't have to work two jobs to make modest ends meet.

    another little thing I heard from the candidates was how we are proping up Mushariff and how we are all over the world with our presence which is wasting billions of our tax dollars. I didn't hear one word about democracy or freedom in these places, all I heard about was "our interest". Obviously Pakistan ain't about democracy, freedom and peace. It seems to me someone wants to hold on to the nukes because we're scared of blow back. I'll tell you now, if some country comes in here and blows my family up, I will at all cost seek my revenge especially if it is done out of total disreguard and a policy built on lies. This is Ron Pauls point, which the politicians seem to overlook convieniently. They know they have blood on their hands and they just immediately block out any concern for other human beings around the world and then when our guys are killed they act all concerned and then send the replacements in.

    Let me get this right,
    All the candidates for president are globalist CFR mambers (except Paul & Hunter) and you say the reason for globalism is to make the world a place of peace and harmony but yet you go around killing people? Its all about the money! And global domination of the people, not for the people. I'm tired of hearing peace, peace, peace and when someone you don't agree with speaks up, they're put on the hit list and disrespected instead of offering any facts or real debate.
    Your cons and crooks. I guess thats why Ron Paul isn't a member of their club. Thanks to the internet and a hell of alot of intelligent people, this crap ain't washing no more! We have reliable sources exposing more and more everyday!

    GO RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unless we get those criminals & make them pay for what they have done to our country and the lawlessness they have sponsored, we are just another Mexico ourselves!

  2. #2
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    South West Florida (Behind friendly lines but still in Occupied Territory)
    Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo Good Article and


    PSS: I second the motion on FOX
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    South West Florida (Behind friendly lines but still in Occupied Territory)
    This is a good one... forwarded to over 200 friends and family members
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Skippy's Avatar
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    This man makes me ill. In one of the debates he stated he knows where Bin Ladin is and if elected President he will go after him. If he knows where this man is, why hasn't he shared this information with our military and intelligence in order to make America safer. He's such a liar and will say anything to get elected.

    I agree Fox sucks and so did the debate moderators.

  5. #5
    Senior Member oldguy's Avatar
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    John McCain will sell out America just as the current administration has, the global free trade crowd worship at the alter of slave labor, free trade and global power.

    While I understand the need for some trade it must be with equal partners and not for the single purpose of making some rich. Somehow we must show these folks America must come first otherwise we will lose what freedoms we have remaining.
    I'm old with many opinions few solutions.

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