Originally posted yesterday on my blog, Double Barreled Opinions: http://www.doublebarreledopinions.com/178.htm

I received the comment below to an old post Teacher Puts Mexican Flag in Trash at High School... it so completely describes the attitude, and problem, with illegal immigrants and those who support them. I responded there, but want to expand on my response here.

"Well to me, Mr./Mrs Recoil is so wrong because if one comes to America is to have better opportunities and a better education. They dont come here to become Americans. you cant change your race. if your mexican you will stay mexican and no one can change that. and i also think that illegal immigrants have the same rights as a American Citizen does. they are both humans. lets put it this way. lets say that an American Citizen moved to mexico and people didnt accept him just because he comes from the United States. How would he feel??. oHh yeah i have to say something else, the united states wouldnt be anything without out the illegal immigrants that work out in the fields, all day non-stop aNd most of those jobs their jobs that no american would want to do. illegal immigrants come here to have a better life and a better education for their kids!!!!"
~ Cristina
This one truth in her comment says it all: They don't come here to become Americans.

Being an American has NOTHING to do with RACE. Race is your heritage. People of all races are Americans. (Mexican, by the way, is not a race, white is a race, black is a race, Hispanic is a race, but Mexican is a nationality.)

If you come to this country from Mexico to become an American then you leave Mexico at the border - don't try to make this country into Mexico, if that's what you want, stay in Mexico. Otherwise, if you want to become an American, follow the rules for applying for entry into our country. If you want to come here to work and not become an American then apply for the proper documentation to do that. You can be proud of your heritage, remember your heritage, and honor your heritage, like millions of others do, without destroying this country or trying to make it into Mexico.

Don't come here illegally and make demands for the same rights and benefits as an American citizen. Illegal Immigrants DO NOT have the same rights as an American citizen... because they're criminals (yes, that's what illegal means) and they're not citizens. If I went to Mexico, which by the way has very strict border and immigration laws, and demanded the same rights as a Mexican citizen, I would be laughed at... and probably arrested.

The Issues and Problems
  • One major problem is that illegal immigrants don't know the laws of this country, nor in all likelihood, of their own country. They're generally poorly educated and earn low income.
  • Another major problem is that too many people in OUR OWN COUNTRY don't know our laws, our history, or the way our government is supposed to work either. It's kind of like someone professing to be a Christian yet never reading the bible or going to church and then thinking they know what Jesus said and why he said it. It's why Obama won the election and why so many people are so easily mislead by unscrupulous politicians and the media.
  • As the commenter stated: most illegal immigrants do not care anything about becoming Americans, they simply want to live off of our system and have anchor babies here so that they can live off of our system too. They want to make American into Mexico, not become Americans. I realize there are those who do not fall into this category, but most do. If they truly cared about becoming Americans, they would follow the legal path.
  • Yet another problem is that our elected politicians want to stay in office and unfortunately will do anything to do so. They know that if they support illegal immigration and a path to citizenship for the millions of criminals in our country it will insure a steady supply of new votes. And those politicians not actively and aggressively addressing the problem and staying neutral are, in effect, supporting illegal immigration.[/*:m:qem6omos]

People like Bill Clinton, who support a path to citizenship, say things like, once they're citizens and paying taxes, they'll pay fines and penalties for being in the county illegally and that will be good for the budget and deficit. The problem with that is that it's not true: it's just a ploy to ensure a huge new voter base. Why is it not true? Because the majority of illegal immigrants are low income and uneducated. Even if they wanted to pay the fines and penalties, most would not be able to. Most of them will be in the half of the population that does not pay any income tax and gets more from the government than they pay in. The other problem I have with that viewpoint is that it's not all about money, even if it did pay for itself, which it does not, it's not good for the country.

A pinhole in a dam that's left unplugged will eventually destroy the dam and the lake it supported. If we don't address this problem and stop it, it will eat away at this country until there's nothing left here. All our resources will be exhausted and we will have lost the ability to lead the world, to help others, and to excel.

In lifesaving classes they teach you that a drowning person is very dangerous, they will climb all over you, they will drown you, they're only hope for survival, while trying to save themselves... they teach you to take some pretty strong measures to stop the person from hurting you, so that you can save them from drowning. That's why we set legal limits on immigration. Yet our elected officials and judges are letting us drown.

The only way to help others is to remain strong. If we're strong we can help our neighbors and others around the world. Misplaced compassion, by letting the problem continue unchecked, is immoral.

We Americans DO accept immigrants, LEGAL immigrants, and we do it with open arms.

Posted yesterday on my blog, Double Barreled Opinions: http://www.doublebarreledopinions.com/178.htm