Nueces County finds 7 ballots, all for Ortiz

November 04, 2010 8:30 PM
Michael Barajas and Emma Perez-Treviño
The Valley Morning Star

Nueces County election officials discovered a bag of seven uncounted ballots Thursday afternoon, throwing a new twist into the already tight race for Texas’ 27th Congressional District.

Once counted, Republican challenger Blake Farenthold’s lead narrowed as all seven ballots went to incumbent U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz, leaving the long-time congressman trailing by 792 votes.

The new district-wide count is Farenthold 50,954 to Ortiz’s 50,162.

Ortiz spokesman Jose Borjon said he had spoken to Nueces County elections officials Thursday. They explained the bag contained emergency ballots cast when a Robstown voting precinct lost power Tuesday night.

“We still don’t know exactly why these were not counted on Election Day … It’s obvious that there are a number of irregularities and this is just one of many,â€