Obama to give jobs to illegal aliens

Barack Hussein Obama has driven unemployment up o 9.5% but Sweetness & Light notes :

Obama De-Criminalizes Hiring Illegals

Mr. Obama is effectively de-criminalizing the hiring of illegal aliens.
Who will not be willing to risk the piddling fines, when you can save much more money by hiring illegal aliens?
Mark Krikorian : Immigration Tidbits

The Obama administration has yet again postponed implementation of the rule that most federal contractors use the E-Verify system to screen out illegal aliens. I guess they're going to wait until most of the porkulus money is disbursed before they make a show of implementing this commonsense rule.
The Eighth Circuit upholds a municipal ordinance requiring businesses to use E-Verify to maintain their business license. Apparently it wasn't even close: "In reviewing the facts, the appellate court was puzzled as to why the ACLU even brought the case and dismissed their second complaint with prejudice." The Ninth Circuit upheld a similar Arizona law last year.
Ahnold is "happy" that illegal aliens get government benefits and denies that illegal immigration is a significant contributor to the budget problems of the failed state of California.
Janet Napolitano : Janet Napolitano said what?
"...crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well." -- Janet Napolitano(D)
"In fact, pursuant to 8 U.S.C. 1325, crossing the border illegally is a crime–a misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for the second and subsequent offenses. But of course, ignoring or mischaracterizing the law is a very convenient way for those in power to avoid the laws they find most inconvenient. Sadly, statements such as these are also a signal that Americans will have to wait a long time before their government articulates any credible immigration enforcement policy." -- Julie Kirchner
Ed Morrissey : Shouldn’t a DHS Secretary know that illegal immigration is a crime?
...the Secretary of Homeland Security — the department that secures our borders — blithely asserts that illegal immigration is not a criminal offense. No, really...
Napolitano knows that illegal immigration is a crime. She and the administration she serves don’t want to enforce that law; they want to pretend it doesn’t exist. The DHS seems a lot more concerned about the danger of American combat veterans returning home than they do illegal aliens crossing the borders, which speaks volumes about the political bent of the Obama administration.
Sweetness & Light : Holding Illegal Aliens Violates Human Rights
Thanks goodness Amnesty International has the guts to take on the tough issues.

For instance, remember all of their reports castigating Muslim countries for how they persecute Christians and other non-Muslims?

We don’t either.
Borderline Security For The Border
Terrorists and other criminals crossing into America are at least as threatening as our economic woes. If we can spend a trillion on stimulus, we shouldn't skimp on fixing the border.
Doug Ross reminds us of the cost of failing to secure our borders : La Delgada LÃ*nea Azul
Without warning, Salter was shot in the face after stepping through the doorway.
An illegal alien, Alfaro had been arrested five times for possession or delivery of drugs – including three times after an immigration judge granted him “voluntary departureâ€