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City Councilman Has New Immigration Proposal
Story posted on 2006-10-04 18:47:00

His first proposal aimed at illegal immigrants in Allentown stirred up some controversy.

Now, City Councilman Lou Hershman has put a new proposal on the table.
His new bill would require Allentown cops to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.
As WFMZ's Joscelyn Moes tells us, Hershman's latest proposal is drawing more fire.

The immigration debate is heating up in Allentown.
At the center of it all , City Councilman Louis Hershman. 5:25-5:34--Louis

I don't want to make this an issue like I said. I will never use the word race issue in this thing or the language issue. I don't want to do that. Just what's best for Allentown.

Hershman has collected signatures from Allentown voters to present to council tonight.

A city provision allows an issue to go on council's agenda if 35 voters sign a petition asking for it.

6:56-6:59--Louis Hershman
I could get more. I didn't need 'em.

Under Hershman's new bill , city officials would be required to help enforce immigration laws.

The police department would designate two officers to investigate and detain illegal immigrants.

Mayor Ed Pawlowski says the city can't afford to set aside any officers.
He adds the issue of illegal immigration isn't really an issue in Allentown.

1:38-1:52--Mayor Ed Pawlowski
We don't see a lot of illegal immigrants coming into the Allentown area. Most of our population are legal immigrants. The majority of our Latino population is Puerto Rican. I don't think people realize but Puerto Ricans are naturalized citizens.

Talking to Allentown residents , most are against the city stepping in.
2:58-3:08--Abeer Masad

I come from Syria. I'm American citizen. If they send them back , nothing to bother me. But I don't like them to send them back because I think they need the money.

1:30-1:35--Sallyann Sukanick
They're people too and they're here and once they're here it's hard to say for them to go away.

Hershman hopes to get his bill on the agenda for the mid-October meeting.

If council votes it down , Hershman says he will try to get it on the ballot as a referendum.

In Allentown , Joscelyn Moes , 69 News.