The City of Clarksville is considering an ordinance that could provide serious consequences for those who hire undocumented workers.

Community members spoke out against a proposed law they called discrimination.

If this ordinance gets passed, landlords would get fined if they house undocumented workers, as would business owners who hire them.

And English would be declared the official city language.

Councilman Wallace Redd wants to punish those who hire and house illegal immigrants.

If and when we catch you hiring illegal aliens, as a business, we can take your business license. The city gives and can taketh away,” Redd said.

Opponents said he wants to punish the people the Clarksville economy relies on -- those who work hard.

People who aren't doing any harm prosecuted while there are so many that are hurting us that are committing crimes, yet we don’t have workforce to control that,” Clarksville business owner Jeanette Bruno said.

The Police Chief told the city council the Hispanic population accounts for a very small percentage of the crime and enforcement of an ordinance like this would take three fulltime officers.

“It makes our landlords into immigration officers,” Tommy Vallejos, with the Hispanic Organization for Progress and Education, said.

That has many, including other council members, asking is it worth it?

”If we don't have any issue why try to fix something that's not wrong here?” Bruno said.

Redd said it's a chance to strengthen the community by enforcing laws already in place. Others said it's one step on a slippery slope.

”What are we going to do next? What are we going to do next?” Vallejos said.

This was the first reading of the ordinance. The council will discuss and vote on the ordinance next month.