Barack’s Border Vision

Thomas D. Segel
May 25, 2009

Harlingen, Texas, May 22, 2009: Following his oath of office, President Barack Obama flew into a whirlwind of executive actions and proposed legislation. Unfortunately, none of this activity was directed toward one of his primary presidential obligations…the security of the United States of America.

His wrong-headed decision to announce a date-certain to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba did nothing to assure a safe America. Releasing documents on enhanced interrogation techniques can only serve to aid our enemies. One of the most troubling of his actions has been an ongoing blame-fest, finding fault with everything this country has done or is doing internationally. This not only served to diminish American morale, but also does nothing to enhance our security.

He decided to ignore all prior actions to secure our borders. For some unexplained reason, he is more comfortable blaming America for everything that is wrong in this world, instead of protecting it from those who would do harm to our citizens. To understand the new administration’s view on border security one only needs to reflect on two actions.

First, as the head of Homeland Security, the President named Janet Napolitano. The former governor of Arizona has a long history of fighting proposed illegal immigration legislation and failed her own constituents when it came to doing anything meaningful to stop the flow of illegals into Arizona. Though never articulated by her, there are many who claim Napolitano is an open borders advocate.

That the President is like-minded became clear when in his first budget request to Congress did not provide a single penny to expand the border wall construction beyond the 670 miles already funded. That action will only leave a gap in the fence of 1, 277 miles. It matters not if you are for or against the border wall. What is important to understand is the Obama Administration does not see the border as a problem.

Washington chatter is already talking up the Democrat plan for another push on amnesty for all illegal aliens in the United States. This is key to their plans for long-range control of government. Those who are now in the country illegally, and are “savedâ€