Bipartisan Panel Finds House GOP Was Right, Republicans Won Controversial 2007 Immigration Vote
September 25, 2008 3:40 PM

Fox News and The Hill weigh in on a story I've been following and will blog more about later -- the August 2007 "Stolen Vote" on a controversial immigration issue that Republicans actually won, but Democrats ruled that they won, instead.

The six-person bipartisan panel ruled unanimously that: "the vote tally of 212 yeas and 216 nays that was finally announced is incorrect. It is either 215 yeas and 213 nays, which would have reflected the tally at the time the chair prematurely announced the statement of result, or 211 yeas and 217 nays, which would have reflected the tally had (House Minority Leader John) Boehner’s well card been processed.â€