<>.<>.<> Los Angeles, Alta California <>.<>.<>

November 14, 2006

Mexican insurgents warn of more bombings

The Mexican insurgent organization Tendencia Democrática Revolucionaria (TDR) warned that if the governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz, does not resign and leaves the state that there will be more bombings like those that occurred in Mexico City on November 6. TDR was one of five revolutionary groups that placed and detonated three large bombs in the nation's capital that damaged the national headquarters of Ulises Ruiz' political party the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), the offices of the federal elections court Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) and the offices of the Canadian bank ScotiaBank. The other four insurgent groups participating in the bombings were Movimiento Revolucionario Lucio Cabanas, Ejercito Revolucionario Popular (ERP), Organizacion Insurgente 1 de Mayo, and Brigadas Populares de Liberacion.

In a communique widely disseminated in Mexico, the TDR said, “While federal forces continue to occupy Oaxaca and while the federal government continues to support Ulises Ruiz we will continue to escalate our political-military actions against the corporations and institutions responsible for the corruption of the State." The armed guerilla group added, “The acts that finally obligated us to intervene were the assassinations by paramilitaries of Ulises Ruiz of 17 citizens and public school teachers and the invasion of Oaxaca by armed federal police."

TDR stated that they will continue to target only federal government buildings and installations and the assets of foreign corporations and businesses. The insurgent group emphasised that under no circumstances will they choose targets that will harm or injure the general population.

http://www.aztlan.net/mexican_insurgent ... mbings.htm