Bob Barr to speak at Minutemen's DNC rally
By COLLEEN SLEVIN, The Associated Press
2008-08-13 23:42:35.0
Current rank: # 30 of 5,425

Activists who want to use the military to secure the nation's borders plan to rally on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention.

Representatives of both Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr and U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo confirmed Wednesday that they would speak at the event organized by the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. Tancredo ran for the Republican presidential nomination on anti-illegal immigration platform.

The group said former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin will also speak.

Minuteman president Chris Simcox said it seems both Barack Obama and John McCain are avoiding the issue of illegal immigration during their runs for the White House. He said his group wants them to pledge to adopt their plan to use members of the 25,000 National Guard to secure the nation's border with Mexico and Canada as well as beef up Coast Guard patrols.

"We really don't care which one is elected president as long as both of them see we're bringing a message from millions of people across the country," Simcox said.

The daylong event will take place in Congress Park, a residential neighborhood east of downtown Denver. The group has no plans to protest in the fenced-off area designated for protesters on the grounds of the Pepsi Center, the site of most of the DNC's events.

Simcox said a similar event is planned for the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis but it won't be as long because the group has had more trouble finding a place to hold the event there. However, Simcox said he will also speak at another rally for Republican Rep. Ron Paul during the GOP convention.