Where’s the Fence?
Posted in Illegal Aliens & Immigration Reforms on August 27th, 2007 by MorningStar

It has been almost a year since Congress passed legislation requiring the construction of more than 700 miles of security fence along the U.S.-Mexico border and by the end of this year approximately 20 miles of that fence will have been completed at a cost of nearly $1.2 billion dollars.
George Bush has admitted that he signed the congressional fence bill into law with the hope that improved enforcement would lead the Congress to pass broader immigration overhaul. That didn’t happen, and after the Democrats took control this year, they not only failed to pass a comprehensive immigration/amnesty bill, but they made a total mockery of the entire legislative process. Regardless of that, the bill was signed into law and millions of American citizens are now asking where their fence is and the Democrat controlled 110th Congress is now saying they don’t like the fence idea even though they voted for it. Tamar Jacoby, a Manhattan Institute policy analyst who supports immigration reform stated that, “It was an election-year political gimmick. People knew that it was more about symbolism than about reality.â€