Congress to Chertie: We need more incompetents of color!
By Michelle Malkin • March 5, 2008 11:12 PM

It’s a match-up of morons vs. moron. Grievance-mongering minorities in Congress lambasted DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff today for not hiring more womyn and People of Color. The incompetents and cronies in upper management at the beleaguered DHS aren’t diverse enough, they thundered.

Comedy gold. Where are the black, brown, red, and yellow faces? Where are the gyno-bureaucrats? And why don’t we have more undocumented DHS employees?!?! (Okay, kidding about that last one. But really, it won’t be long.)

The Washington Times has the report (hat tip - reader Anton):
[quote]Two congressmen today said the Department of Homeland Security needs more diversity to be effective, and scolded Secretary Michael Chertoff for not bringing any black or female staffers to his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee.

In what appeared to be a sort of diversity sting operation, Rep. Robert C. Scott lead off his questions to Mr. Chertoff by demanding the secretary’s staff stand up to be scrutinized. Minutes later, during his own questions, Rep. Melvin Watt said the point was to prove that none of the 10 staffers who stood met his definition of diverse.
“You brought 10 staff people with you, all white males. I know this hearing is not about diversity of the staff, but I hope you’ve got more diversity in your staff than you’ve reflected here in the people you’ve brought with you,â€