More complaining from the Corporations

Many Employers See Flaws as Immigration Bill Evolves

Published: May 27, 2007

WASHINGTON, May 26 — Employers, a major force in the national debate over immigration, say their discontent with the bill shaping up in the Senate has deepened over the last week because of changes that could make it more difficult for them to hire foreign workers.

Working Under the Radar High-tech companies, like Microsoft and Oracle, and employers of lesser skilled workers, like restaurants and construction contractors, already had qualms about the original version of the legislation, forged in three months of talks between the White House and a dozen senators.

But from the point of view of many employers, the bill has become worse in the last week.

E. John Krumholtz, director of federal affairs at Microsoft, said senators were well intentioned and “really wanted to help usâ€