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Posted on Fri, Jun. 02, 2006

Bush: Employers fuel crisis on border

The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — President Bush told the nation’s most prominent business group Thursday that “unscrupulous” employers have contributed to the illegal immigration crisis in the United States by knowingly hiring undocumented workers.

The president called for steep new penalties on those exploiting the shadow economy.

As part of his emerging public campaign for immigration legislation now pending in Congress, Bush visited the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to emphasize his focus on enforcement and combat the conservative complaint that his immigration proposals add up to amnesty for millions of foreigners violating U.S. immigration law.

Bush’s speech came hours before his administration reached an agreement with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to send the California National Guard to the Mexican border. Schwarzenegger criticized Bush’s plan to dispatch 6,000 National Guard troops to the Mexican border to bolster overwhelmed Border Patrol agents, but he agreed to contribute 1,000 troops as long as the federal government picked up the full cost.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the U.S. population of legal immigrants would increase by nearly 20 million over the next decade if the recently passed Senate immigration bill becomes law, and taxpayers would spend more than $50 billion to operate a new guest-worker program and pay for extra welfare, Social Security and public health care costs.

But the cost of absorbing the newcomers would be offset by a boost of $66 billion in federal revenue from income taxes and payroll taxes generated by the temporary guest- worker program, along with fees that immigrants must pay to participate, the report said.

Critics said the report does not take into account the 950,000 newcomers who enter the country legally under current immigration law, bringing the 10-year total of new immigrants to about 30 million.