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I just want to comment on some of Jorge Bush's fine speech today {cough..cough}:

Today, I want to talk about immigration, talk about the need for this country to have a comprehensive immigration reform. I'm going to spend a little time on making sure that work force enforcement is effective and an integral part of making sure we have a comprehensive immigration reform.
Oh so you mean you might actually punish one employer instead of zero this year. Oh that's so big of you. I'm so glad you've been on top of things even after all these years.

Before I do, I want to thank the Chamber very much for your strong advocacy of comprehensive immigration reform. I want to thank you and I want to thank your members for being an articulate, rational voice in the immigration debate.
Only the people that agree with Bush are rational because surely the chamber of commerce knows what's best for us better than we the people do.

I want to thank Chertoff for his service to our country. Excuse me -- Secretary Chertoff. Sometimes if you're from West Texas, you get a little familiar. (Laughter.) Still adjusting to the protocols here in Washington. (Laughter.) Of course, he knew what I was talking about.
Uh, Uh, Uh oh your such a comedian Jorge. I thought the laughter was from your comment about Chertoff serving his country. When did he start?

I want to thank David Aguilar. He's the Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. David, it's good to see you. David and I recently went down to the border, and we took a good look at this long border. It gave me a chance to see firsthand what's taking place down there. It also gave me a chance to thank the Border Patrol agents, men and women who are working every day to do our job. And I want to thank you for your leadership.
Did you get a chance to shake hands and take pictures with some of your good hearted pals from down south?

I thank Julie Myers, Assistant Secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. I want to thank Tracy Henke, Assistant Secretary, Office of Grants and Training for DHS. She is the chair of the National Citizen Corps Council. Again, thank you all for letting me come by.
I want to thank you for doing nothing, but wasting our tax dollars, but at least you look good while doing it.

One of the jobs of the government is to encourage entrepreneurship. We've done so in this administration, and as a result, America's risk-takers are -- and business owners, both small and large, are hiring people. If you want a job in America, you can find a job in America. This economy of ours is growing at 3.5 percent last year, 5.3 percent in the first quarter of this year. The national unemployment rate is 4.7 percent; 5.2 million new jobs have been created since August of 2003; small businesses are flourishing; productivity is high, after-tax income is up; home ownership is at an all-time level. This economy of the United States is strong, and we intend to keep it that way. (Applause.)
He forgot to say American citizens need not apply when looking for one of these so called jobs. He also forgot to mention 15 million unemployed American citizens and growing and the highest debt spending in American history along with a declining dollar. 3 million lost jobs to outsourcing. Yeah our economy is so great.

And the U.S. Chamber has been a strong supporter in making sure that Congress has sensible policies to keep this economy strong. And one of the most sensible things the United States Congress can do is to make the tax cuts we passed permanent. (Applause.)
We have to make sure that Dick Cheney and his rich oil tycoons will always be well off.

You'll hear talk in Washington that says, well, you've got to raise taxes on people in order to balance the budget. That's not how Washington works. They're going to raise your taxes and they're going to figure out new ways to spend your money. The best way to balance this budget is to keep pro-growth economic policies in place and be fiscally wise about how we spend your money.
Yeah just keep signing off on those massive pork spending checks you sign every year. What do you care, it's not your money.

Pro-growth economic policies generate additional revenues for our treasury. Last year revenues exceeded expectations by about $100 billion. This July we're going to find out whether it happened again. I hope it does. I think it might, because we're growing this economy. When the economy grows people pay taxes. And so the fundamental question is not whether or not we're going to have more revenues, the fundamental question is if we're going to have rational spending in order to balance this budget.
We're growing this economy and when the economy growns people pay taxes? Oh really, so the illegals are paying taxes? Really?

I told the United States Congress to get a $92.2 billion supplemental to my desk. It's money needed to fund our troops. It's money needed to help the people down there in -- that we're affected by the hurricanes. It's money to do important other measures. But if they bust the $92.2 billion I'm going to veto it. It's important for Washington to have fiscal sanity in order to balance this budget. (Applause.)
How can you have fiscal sanity when you have an insane Congress and White House running the show? Would we even need to spend that much money if he did his job and secured our borders instead of putting us in that quagmire in Iraq and not fell asleep during Katrina? This moron has cost this country trillions and thousands of lives. Yet we trust him with the purse strings?

We need energy policy that's wise. We got a problem in America. We're too dependent on oil from parts of the world where people may not necessarily like us. So I proposed an advanced energy initiative, and I want to thank the Chamber for supporting me on helping this country diversify away from hydrocarbons.
And your too dependent on cheap labor. Maybe if you didn't have 6 million immigrants flooding across our borders per year every year then maybe we wouldn't be sucking up so many resources you moron.

Today I want to talk about immigration, and the Chamber of Commerce understands that in order for this country to be an economic leader, in order for this country to be a country that upholds our values, we've got to have an immigration system that is secure and orderly and fair.
Because the lawbreaking scum don't get enough freebies as it is.

For decades, this country has not been in control of its borders. Yet we have an obligation to the American people to secure our borders. That's a solemn obligation of the federal government. And as a result of not securing our borders, many who want to work in this economy have been able to sneak across.
When are you going to start controlling the borders Jorge? You've had almost 6 years to do this and even after 9-11 you did nothing. Now your concerned? You are a disgrace.

This is an issue I'm familiar with, since I was the governor of Texas. You got to understand, there are people in our neighborhood who are desperate to put food on the table for their families. And if they, say, make $7 in America versus 50 cents where they live, and they want to support their families, guess what -- they're going to try to sneak across the border. And many have been able to do so. And that illegal immigration has put pressure on our schools and hospitals, it's strained state and local budgets, and in some instances, bring crime to our neighborhood.
You know what, I don't care about families in Mexico. It's not our job to subsidize the entire world. They can fight for jobs, education and health care in Mexico, not here. You have done nothing to quell this invasion and you have gone as far as to encourage it. Desperate Mexicans starving in Mexico is none of my concern, it's not our problem, they need to take their concerns to the head Mexican who's name is Vicente Fox.

We have got to remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people. They're hardworking people. They're people who love their families, people of faith, and people who lead responsible lives. They're part of American life and they are vital to our economy, and yet they're beyond the reach and protection of American law.
You know I'm a decent person too. I work hard (10 to 12 hrs a day) I love my faith, I believe in God and Jesus Christ and I have never broken the law, what about me? When do I get what's mine? I'm in the military and I don't get in-state tuition, free housing, cheap rate mortgage loans, free welfare or any of that crap, but some border hoping lawbreaker does. If I committ ID theft, rape, murder, robbery or whatever, I go to jail, but if I'm an illegal with brown skin, oh it's ok, we'll let you slide this time and oh here's some rewards for your troubles. What's the incentive for us to keep our citizenship when the illegals get more rights then we do Mr America hating, illegal alien loving presidunce?

This nation is a nation of laws. And we're going to enforce our laws. That's what the American people expect.
Obeying the laws is for citizens only.

But we're also a nation of immigrants. And we must uphold that tradition which has strengthened this nation in so many ways. These aren't contradictory goals. America can be a lawful society and America can be a welcoming society at the same time.
First off Howdy Doody, I'm not an immigrant, I was born here. Most of this population was born here. The pilgrims who founded this great nation were settlers. We are not a nation of immigrants. Can we please stop the big lie. No I'm tired of rolling out the welcome mat for these third world illiterate cavemen. I don't want to welcome them, I never welcomed them, no one asked me if it was ok to invade my country. I say it's time to pull the rug out from under them and send them all home and put an end to immigration for the next 20 years because that's how long it's going to take to sort this mess out.

The House and Senate bills will require effort and compromise on both sides. It's a difficult task. Yet the difficulty of this task is no excuse for avoiding it.
Listen to this forked tongue idiot making it sound like the House is irresponsible if they don't pass amnesty. The House should literally in unison tell this demon to go take his amnesty and shove it up his rectum and come back in a little while when you are more coherent.

The American people expect us to meet our responsibility and deliver immigration reform that fixes the problems in the current system, that upholds our ideals and provides a fair and practical way forward.
The American people don't want amnesty and you are making it out to be that we do. I really wish you had the guts to have a town hall meeting where the crowd and questions aren't screened well in advance. Poll after poll shows that we don't want reform, we want our stinking laws enforced, not just on us, but on illegals as well. Yet this snake refuses until he gets what he wants. No it's not your will be done, it's ours. I can't wait until November.

Since I became President, we've increased funding for border security by 66 percent. We've expanded the Border Patrol from about 9,000 to 12,000 agents. As I told the folks down there, David, in Yuma, I am proud of the Border Patrol, and so should the American people. Do you realize that over the past five years, the men and women of the Border Patrol, working under incredibly difficult circumstances, have apprehended and sent home about 6 million people entering this county illegally. There's some people working hard down there on our behalf.
Whoppdeedamndoo. Yet the illegals are still coming, exploiting every hole in the book. Yet imagine how hard the BP would work if their hands weren't tied down by your red tape. Oh and your still 24,000 BP agents short.

That's not going to be enough to do our job of securing the border. That's what you've got to understand. And so these Border Patrol agents need help. And the best way to help the Border Patrol is to construct high-tech fences in urban areas, urban corridors, to build patrol roads and barriers in rural areas. We're going to create a virtual fence that employs motion protectors and infrared cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles to detect and prevent illegal crossings. What I'm telling you is that we're going to have a border that is smart and secure.
Technology is worthless if you don't have the manpower to respond. What good is watching the illegals crossover if we don't have the manpower to catch them and the manpower we do have are constrainted by PC restrictions?

The Guard units will not be involved in direct law enforcement activities. That's the job of the Border Patrol. The United States is not going to militarize our border. What we're going to do is support those who we hire to do the job of enforcing the border.
Then the Guard might as well be a bunch of statues because all they are going to do is sit there and look pretty. What good is that going to do? What a waste.

See, most of the people we catch at the border trying to enter illegally are Mexicans, and 85 percent of them are sent right back home within 24 hours. But the real problem we've had is when we catch illegal immigrants from other countries trying to come in. It's easy to send people back into Mexico; it's hard to send somebody to a country south of Mexico, for example.

One of the problems we've had, we didn't have enough detention space. So we've get the Border Patrol agents working hard, they catch somebody from a country other than Mexico coming into our country and no place to put them. And so part of our strategy is to end catch-and-release by expanding the number of beds in detention facilities along the border. We've added some and we're going to add more. We're going to add enough to be able to end catch-and-release.
We can end catch and release by simply using immediate deportation. Illegals have no rights, why are we giving them access to our courts and blogging down the legal system? Bush thinks we are as stupid as he is. Bush is the reason why we still have catch and release which he claims he was going to end months ago. Whatever!

Second, in order to have a comprehensive reform bill, we have to have a temporary worker program. Part of securing this border is a temporary worker program. You see, there are people who will do anything to come into this country to work. That's what you got to understand. People are motivated by a desire in many cases -- in most cases, to support the family.
Oh you mean the permanent worker program where they can work for a few years and apply for citizenship? Oh and enough with this support their families nonsense. Are you saying American citizens aren't trying to do the same thing to?

Most American businesses want to abide by the law.
ROFLMAO, yeah that explains why they keep hiring illegals right?

You know, most American businesses are law-abiding. They really do want to uphold the law.
How would you know? Did they tell you before or after they slipped you the cash?

Fourthly, a comprehensive reform bill has got to address the reality that millions of illegal immigrants are here already. Now, these folks should not be given an automatic path to citizenship. That is called amnesty. I oppose amnesty. I opposed amnesty because it would be unfair to those people who are here lawfully, and I oppose amnesty because it would invite further waves of illegal immigrants.
I oppose amnesty. Yeah because putting them on a path to citizenship isn't amnesty. The true definition of amnesty is a political pardon for a crime, but I guess Jorge didn't like that word so he'll just make up his own definition that he likes in hopes that you are as dumb as he is and falls for it.

There's a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program that requires every illegal immigrant to leave. The middle ground recognizes there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently, and someone who has worked here for many years who's got a home, a family, and a clean record.
What kind of crap is that? Felons have families too, should we grant them amnesty as well? How would he know they have a clean record when no background checks have been completed on these people? How stupid does he think we are? Again it doesn't matter if your illegal, as long as you hid from law enforcement long enough, we'll let you off the hook.

My position is clear: I believe that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and who want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, to pay their taxes, to learn English, and to work in a job for a number of years.
Oh yeah because a 2,000 dollar fine and 2 years tax free is so tough. I wish I could go 2 years without paying taxes. I could save tens of thousands of dollars. 2,000 dollar fine? BFD, I've had nose bleeds that we're harsher than that.

Ok I can't take this snake oil salespitch any more. I wish someone in that crowd would have the guts to call him on his BS and stop clapping like a mindless sheep.