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Bush to visit N.C. to drum up CAFTA support

06:07 PM EDT on Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Associated Press

President Bush is visiting North Carolina on Friday to drum up more suppost for his Central American trade agreement. The White House confirms that Bush will tour the Helms plant of R-L Stowe Mills, then make a speech on behalf of the Central America Free Trade Agreement at Gaston Community College in Dallas. Bush's last visited Charlotte in September.

The Charlotte Observer reports that Bush's visit follows a morning meeting with Salvadoran President Antonio Saca. El Salvador is one of the countries that would be affected by CAFTA.

The proposed treaty has been approved by the Senate. A vote is expected soon in the House, where the administration has tried to shore up support. North Carolina Republican Representative Sue Myrick backs the treaty. Other House members, including fellow Republicans, oppose it or are leaning against it.