Bushite Coup Amnesty Supporters will take your children but not illegal alien invader children.

Mark Lowry

March 18, 2007
Recent employer raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers resulted in a torrent of feigned outrage by traitorous Bushite Coup Amnesty supporters. Most prominent of whom is the esteemed Senator from Massachusetts, The Honorable Ted Kennedy. He of course has a history of humanitarian concerns and understands nature of disruption the loss of a family member can cause on family members left behind.

Kennedy the champion of Chappaquiddick and drunken death of Mary Jo Kopechne is certainly the guiding moral character in this great debate. Kennedy also is well known for active defense of relatives accused of raping defenseless women so this great example of character should by all means define for us in what way the ICE officers were “heavy handed” in their arrest of illegal alien invaders. These illegal alien invaders made choices to violate the very laws Mr. Kennedy sponsored. His name has been on every piece of immigration legislation passed since he has been in the Senate.

• Thomas Jefferson "Law is often the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.": to I. Tiffany, 1819

Mr. Kennedy has promised with each “comprehensive immigration plan” he sponsored in the past, stricter law enforcement would assure employers discontinued the practice of hiring illegals. Now he is saying enforcement is heavy handed, and again offers promise of amnesty in yet another “comprehensive immigration plan” to end problems associated with the Bushite Coup Illegal Alien Invasion created by his previous comprehensive immigration legislation.

How many times can Kennedy go to the well and come up with the same lies he always uses to sucker American citizens into accepting destruction of American sovereignty with population politics for benefit of the wealthy elite?

How many times can Kennedy use the argument it is bad for criminal illegal alien invader families and separation of criminal parents from anchor babies to put Americans (who don’t get similar consideration) on a guilt trip?

• George Santayana: "Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

American criminals leave their children to social services when they are arrested. If they are jailed the state takes the child and puts them in a foster home. That can result in a permanent adoption if conditions warrant it. The American citizens will not permit this to occur to their children and not to the children of people in this country illegally.

• Frederick Douglas “Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Civil Rights Activist, 1857

The same practices regarding children of criminals should apply for all criminals in this country regardless of citizen or immigration status. To do otherwise and give anyone special treatment based on nationality or race smacks of racism and discrimination against American citizens most of whom are black that lose their children to the state because of criminal behavior.

• Theodore Roosevelt: “To divide along the lines of section or caste or creed is un-American.”

Trick us once, shame on Senator Kennedy, trick us 5 times, we need psychological counseling and our voter rights taken away. America is just not that ignorant.

• Winston Churchill: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

• William Blasé “To ignore the evidence, and hope that it cannot be true, is more an evidence of mental illness.”

• Martin Luther King, Jr. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Other elected official demagogues are in lock step with Mr. Kennedy in their effort to strip America of its status as a nation state. The Catholic Church and its head protector of child Molesters Mahoney, (he should not be given the status of a title of church leader) continues to refuse to help victims of the Church’s predation on children. That doesn’t stop him from engaging in politics of population so he can get more fresh meat for the child predators in the church.

These people have no moral relevancy in the debate regarding American Freedom and Liberty. There personal history of deprivation of American citizens rights and the fight against freedom should render any input they have on the current debate without any value whatsoever.

It seems that these proponents of amnesty may be a combination of rogues and imbeciles. They are rogues for working to further destroy the working poor in America with population politics, and they are imbeciles for their relentless attacks on the intelligence of American Citizens.

• Alexandre Dumas: “Rogues are preferable to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest.”

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