Already 16 member co signed on...Not good. In it go republican and democrat support.

110th U.S. Congress (2007-200
S. 340: A bill to improve agricultural job opportunities, benefits, and security for aliens in the United States and for other purposes
Introduced: Jan 18, 2007
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]hide cosponsors
Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA]
Sen. Hillary Clinton [D-NY]
Sen. Larry Craig [R-ID]
Sen. Pete Domenici [R-NM]
Sen. Charles Hagel [R-NE]
Sen. Edward Kennedy [D-MA]
Sen. Herbert Kohl [D-WI]
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT]
Sen. Mel Martinez [R-FL]
Sen. John McCain [R-AZ]
Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]
Sen. Barack Obama [D-IL]
Sen. Ken Salazar [D-CO]
Sen. Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Sen. Arlen Specter [R-PA]
Sen. George Voinovich [R-OH]