Obama and Congress: At the Crossroads of Immigration Reform

By Maribel Hastings
New America Media
December 22, 2009.

A prickly issue for both liberals and conservatives, immigration reform will play a key role in shaping 2010's political landscape.

Is it ever "the right time" to pass immigration reform and a path to legalization? Using the issue merely to score political points has been the norm for decades, among detractors and some proponents alike.

President Barack Obama is the latest political figure to attempt a comprehensive fix to the immigration system -- or at least, he promised to do so in 2008, in the heat of the presidential campaign.

As January 20, 2010 rolls around -- marking the end of his first year in office -- Obama has not passed immigration reform, but his defenders predict that by that time the stirrings of the immigration debate will have started in the Senate.

"In this country people have always made excuses for delaying justice. But they’re excuses for inaction. The fact is that the president of the United States (Barack Obama) came to office in large part because he supports wholesale reform of the (immigration) system. It’s time for these politicians to turn their promises into reality," Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., told MaribelHastings.com and Reform Immigration For America before introducing the bill H.R. 4321, presented to the House this week to stimulate immigration reform.

A complicated year

The Obama administration has had a difficult first year: the economic crisis, an unemployment rate of over 10%, and bitter debates over healthcare reform and the war in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, Obama reiterated his commitment to the immigrant community at various points throughout 2009.

In June he held a meeting with over 30 members of Congress in both parties. In August, he met with advocacy groups.

In November, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made the promise official: "The first part of 2010, we will see legislation beginning to move."

And on Wednesday, Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor, linked immigration reform to economic recovery, pointing out that legalizing workers would generate more income tax revenue for the federal budget.

“The tax contribution from 12 million (undocumented immigrants) could represent a trillion dollars,â€