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Jan. 17, 2006, 7:30AM

(PRN) Campaign Launched to Encourage Illegal Aliens to Fight Terrorism

DALLAS, Jan. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Loftus Carlson, editor of, claims that "border-jumping Mexicans could be America's most effective resource in the fight against terrorism." Carlson has launched a campaign to encourage Mexicans crossing the border by whatever means to report "OTMs" (Other-Than-Mexicans) who stream into the country illegally from countries like Syria, Yemen and Iran at the rate of over 50,000 a year.

"Every day, thousands of Mexican laborers cross the U.S. border illegally to pursue economic opportunity," writes Carlson. "Common sense tells us that these people are not a terror threat. While it's true that the porosity of our borders benefits both illegal workers and al-Qaeda operatives, that's certainly not your Mexican landscaper's fault."

While Carlson hastens to add that "many OTMs entering the country via Mexico simply seek a better life ... Homeland Security intelligence indicates that dangerous terrorists also seek entry via our southern border, aided by such organizations as the notorious MS-13 gang."

The basis for Carlson's scheme to recruit illegal aliens is the U.S. State Department's "Rewards for Justice" program (, which provides generous rewards to informants of any nationality for information about terrorist activity. In the words of former Secretary of State Colin Powell:

"Rewards for Justice gives us millions of additional pairs of eyes and ears to be on the lookout. It puts potential informants in every place a terrorist might try to hide or operate in. And it works."

Thus, Carlson states, "Huge rewards are already in place and waiting to be claimed. We just need to spread the word to our intrepid border-crossing neighbors, who have no idea this program even exists. That's where wants to help - with Spanish-language billboards placed along the border to trumpet these wonderful incentives to millions of potential informants who've been ignored and underutilized." Carlson adds that his ultimate goal is to attract government sponsorship and administration of this publicity effort. "A substantial amount of Homeland Security resources must be devoted to raising the profile of Rewards for Justice among Mexicans immediately."

"Once engaged in the fight against terror," Carlson says, "these legions of undocumented workers would no longer be easy scapegoats for the likes of Congressman Tom Tancredo, Michael Savage and Michelle Malkin, who relentlessly cast these overwhelmingly decent people as constant reminders of our border insecurity. Aggressively recruiting hard-working illegal aliens (scores of whom perished in 9-11 alongside legal residents) to join the war against terror will save lives and protect our economy."

"'Illegal' or not," Carlson concludes, "we need all the help we can get in this life-or-death struggle if we are to continue to prevent the use of nuclear or biological weapons in American cities. The debate regarding illegal Mexican immigration can continue apace but it's time that Conservatives and Liberals alike focus on the immediate issue: defending our precious nation with all of our strength, resources and cleverness."