Because the citizens of this country have set idly by, being totally apathetic for the last 40 - 50 years, (basically since WW !!), the corporations in this country have stealthily taken over the government.

Citizens have allowed members of Congress to become career politicians by electing and re-electing them, interested not in those that elected them, but in the power and profitability of being a politician in Washington.

Unfortunately, state legislators have seen this, and they have decided to follow suit.

WE the people no longer have fair and honest representation.

Never in our history have term limits been needed more. And the Constitution should be amended changing terms for both the U.S. House and Senate to 4 years, with a 2-term limit........and no FAT-CAT retirement dollars.

We have set idly by as a tsunami wave of illegal aliens invaded OUR country. We have ignored their marches (by the tens of thousands) in our streets with their Mexican flags! We have seen their total disrespect for the American flag by burning it, dragging it on the ground, stomping on it, flying it BELOW the Mexican flag, and UPSIDE DOWN. They don't know the meaning of RESPECT. Gangs like M-13 are spreading across the U.S. like wildfire.

We have an idiot president who DEMANDED congress give 20 - 30 million illegals a path to citizenship. A president who has not only WATCHED this mass invasion, but aided and abetted it by doing NOTHING. He has ignored his OATH of office, refused to enforce the laws of the land, and ignored the will of the people (CITIZENS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS).[/b]

We have an election in 2008 that is going to decide the course of AMERICA.

The democratically controlled congress, especially the house, has shown they will do ANYTHING to get their way. Even if they have to CHEAT, as in the Aug 2 vote to give illegal aliens billions of dollars in benefits AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Not to mention passing a bill to expand health care to CHILDREN up to the age of 25!! Including illegals.....and at the expense of America's senior citizens. In order to pay for this mamoth program, they are going to take billions from medicare to do it.

If a democrat president is elected in 2008, the first bill out of congress will be an amnesty bill which WILL be signed and made into law. You can safely bet 20 years of your life on it. EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008 IS FOR AMNESTY.....BAR NONE.

As for the republicans?

Mitt Romney SAYS NOW, that he is against giving the illegals citizenship. However, that wasn't the case BEFORE the debates began. He flip-flopped on that issue just like he did the abortion issue.

Fred Thompson, while in congress, never met an immigration bill he didn't like.....and voted aye on! To make matters worse, he is a member of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. arm of the N.A.U. A combination lethal to the U.S.

1. Ron Paul is AGAINST amnesty and FOR the U.S. Constitution. His stand on the other issues can be seen at his website,

2. Tom Tancredo is AGAINST amnesty. His stand on the other issues can be seen at his website,

3. Duncan Hunter is AGAINST amnesty. His stand on the other issues can be seen at his website,

EVERY OTHER REPUBLICAN candidate for president is FOR amnesty.

And don't be fooled when other terms are used for amnesty, such as, "a path to citizenship."

I'm not telling anyone who to vote for. But as we draw closer to the 2008 election, everyone better watch these 3 candidates (Paul, Tancredo and Hunter). Whichever one is ahead, is where we should throw our support and work like hell to get him elected! If we do not, the U.S. as we USED to know it, will be gone forever.

Do your own research! CNN, MSNBC/NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, and the major newspapers are ALL OWNED BY MAJOR CORPORATIONS with their OWN AGENDA. They have hid the facts from Americans.....and have blatantly lied. The words FAIR and BALANCED used by the media, is about as true as the moon being made of green cheese!

The war in Iraq is a major concern to the U.S. Unfortunately, Bush has put us in a position, where a complete withdrawal of troops would be a catastrophe.

But the war ON TERROR being fought in this country is of MAJOR IMPORTANCE. And that war is two-pronged. One being islamist terrorists, and the other being the illegal aliens.