Sen. Chuck Grassley: Letting Guns Walk Across the Border Breeds Violence
The State Column
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Watching revolutions unfold halfway across the world, Americans have countless reasons to appreciate living in the land of opportunity. Liberty, justice and the rule of law are the foundations of our republic. These are the noble principles for which generations of men and women in uniform have put their lives on the line in service to their country. From the U.S. military to federal law enforcement, the taxpaying public places enormous trust in those who are leading our men and women into harm’s way, whether protecting national security, enforcing our laws or patrolling our borders.

In the U.S. Senate, I have led a decades-long crusade to protect the public trust. Transparency and accountability are crucial cornerstones. My efforts to root out waste, fraud and abuse aren’t influenced by the political party running the show in Washington. Regardless of who serves in the White House or which party controls the U.S. Congress, I am not afraid to investigate and track down answers if I have reason to believe tax dollars are being misspent or wrongdoing within the federal bureaucracy is compromising the Constitution’s covenant with the American people.

Many of my investigations over the years have been triggered by information shared by whistleblowers. At substantial risk to their careers and livelihoods, whistleblowers come forward to tell the truth about an injustice, fraudulent spending or wrongdoing.

As Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, I have been investigating disturbing allegations that high ranking officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) gave the thumbs up for the sale of thousands of guns to known straw purchasers, promising interdiction, only to allow the guns to “walkâ€