In-state tuition for illegals resurfaces in Colorado: Christ Romer intends to give away your tax dollars

By Frosty Wooldridge
Each year, Colorado taxpayers shell out $925 million to educate children of illegal aliens K-12. Each year, Colorado citizens pay for free breakfasts and lunches for illegal alien children. Each year, Colorado taxpayers shell out millions for English as a second language. Each year Colorado hospitals serve illegal aliens and their children without payment with costs exceeding $38 million. Each year, Colorado taxpayers feed, house and cloth 7,300 convicted illegal aliens in our prisons. Year after year after year! Total cost annually, according to , $1.2 billion out of our pockets.
Colorado voters turned down the Dream Act at the state level and at the national level several times in the past five years. However, State Senator Chris Romer intends to jam it down our throats again in his forthcoming bill, SB09-170, to use your tax dollars to give in-state tuition to illegal alien students—who shouldn’t be in Colorado in the first place! That same bill suffered defeat in the U.S. Congress in 2007 titled “The Dream Act.â€