September 22, 2009

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The recent article by Rick Malwitz, "Kids ask why dads deported," failed miserably to answer that question.

Mr. Malwitz's piece proved to be an editorial rather than a news flash, as the headline tries to make you believe it is. He offers up emotional, left-wing diatribe rather then answer the question he asks.

The question should be: "Why illegal aliens families are not deported with dad?" Mr. Malwitz ignores the main word in all this debate, "illegal" as do so many other writers and bleeding-heart senators and congressmen.

Why can they not recognize the difference between "legal immigrant" and "illegal immigrant?" They continue to do a great injustice to all those immigrants who came to this country in the traditional manner, legally, and worked hard to achieve their citizenship and all the "perks" that come with it.

One of the most important parts of American life, these immigrants learned, was the rule of law and how it must be obeyed or face penalties. Most learned well. I'll bet that Mr. Malwitz's forebears came here the right way, not the way he wants us to accept in his articles.


Monroe Township