Chaffetz taking on Utah issues

By Lee Davidson

Deseret News
Published: Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008 12:00 a.m. MST

Rep.-elect Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, is showing how much he is pro-gun rights, pro-life on abortion, anti-illegal immigration, pro-dietary supplements and pro-Israel. He is joining special House caucuses dedicated to each of those causes, and others.

"Caucus participation plays an important role in building alliances on issues key to Utah. I will work hard to make sure Utah is well represented," Chaffetz said on Monday.

He released a list of 12 caucuses that he is joining.

Among them is the Immigration Reform Caucus. He made stepping up enforcement against illegal immigration a key issue in his primary race against incumbent Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah — and attracted national attention when he suggested using tent cities to hold illegal aliens to cut costs and help increase enforcement.

"Immigration is a key issue," he said. Besides seeking to step up enforcement, he said he plans to "co-sponsor a bill that would make English the official language of the United States."

Chaffetz is showing gun rights support by joining both the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus and the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus.

Utah is home to many dietary supplement companies, and Chaffetz has joined the Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus.

Chaffetz is also adamantly pro-life on abortion and is joining the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus.

He is also joining the Western Caucus, chaired by Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah (and formerly chaired by Cannon), which often fights for more public access or development on public lands issues. "I intend to follow Mr. Bishop's lead on wilderness and water issues, and he's making great progress on them," Chaffetz said.

Among the other groups he is joining are the House Republican Israel Caucus, the Congressional Organ and Tissue Donation Caucus, the House Cancer Caucus, the Congressional Cancer Action Caucus, the Law Enforcement Caucus and the National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus.
