Open borders, Bankrupt country, Government control of finance, Energy, Health, and almost every other aspect of your daily life

The Democrat’s Sinister Plan to Retain Power

By Marion Valentine
Thursday, June 17, 2010

First of all I spent 9 years in Navy Intelligence, gathering information, connecting the dots, and predicting the next moves by the enemy.

This Administration has been shredding the Constitution since day one, and has accumulated more power to the Executive branch than any time in the history of our Country.


This administration does not wish to do anything to protect our borders. This administration advocates OPEN borders. This administration has looted our financial resources. This administration is hell bent on Nationalizing all businesses. This administration has declared war on free market capitalism. This administration has stolen the future of generations of Americans by running up unsustainable debt. This administration has pulled off the largest land grab in history.Take into consideration, open borders, a bankrupt country, Government control of finance, energy, health, and almost every other aspect of your daily life. Also consider the areas in America on Government controlled land where there are signs posted warning Americans not to enter because of the smuggling activities of ILLEGAL aliens. Now consider the over 13 million acre land grab by this administration.

This old intel guy connects the dots as follows. This administration wants total executive power, and for a time until Obama can declare himself “Dictatorâ€