Lone Protester- The Future 103007

I can remember growing up in the sixties. Everything was simple then and kind of uncomplicated. The highlight of my life was the moon landings and what America was going to do next. It was a fascinating time to be living. Forrest Gump said it best when he said that life was like a bowl of cherries. I figured that by today Americans would be all over the solar system. The moon, Mars, the asteroids, and beyond. I thought that surely, by the turn of the century that we would Americanize the world. And space. That we would be living in a glorious future. I reckon it’s nice to be young and to dream. To imagine the impossible. There are no limits to the mind.

But then something happened along the way. Instead of a future filled with promise, cold reality slaps you awake. Instead of a world filled with plenty, we have a world filled with death, destruction and the survival of the fittest. Instead of the old common sense values we grew up with, a lot of us have a set of values that are available to the highest bidder. For the right price. Loyalty only matters when it is to yourself. The Constitution just becomes another piece of paper and the Bill of Rights is thrown into the trashcan and God with it. And our flag becomes something to spit on. Instead of feeding the third world, we are becoming one. Instead of giving the world hope, we are mired in a mess of our own making, and the ones that got us into it have no idea of how to get us out. Our country is in for big trouble down the road, and instead of that future of hope, I actually fear the world my kids and grandkids will grow up in. Instead of a bright future it will be a dark one.

We need to return to that old set of values because the new set doesn’t sit well with America. Our country is on the wrong path to the future and it is up to us to find the right one because our politicians are at odds with us. Instead of being with us. For some reason they feel they have the power to shape our future without our consent. What they forget is that we have never bestowed that power on them. No, under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it is We the People that determine the future course of this country and not a bunch of inept, narrowminded, and useless politicians. They are our servants, under those documents, and we need to remind them of that fact because they have evidently forgotten it. We need to raise the level of our voices until the entire world hears it. And those sanctimonius idiots in Washington.

This country and world is becoming an evil place, and not in my wildest dreams, when I was young, did I ever expect the future to turn out like it did. And it is like that because we have lost sight of the true path, that path that our founding fathers envisioned so long ago. And made into a document. And called it the Constitution. You know, that piece of paper that sits in a room somewhere, gathering dust? That piece of paper that the politicians in Washington have forgotten existed? That meaningless piece of paper that is so convenient to forget about now, but used to be a bright shining light to our ancestors?

More than anything, this country needs to have a constitutional convention, to make this country right again. We need to force our leaders to understand in the strongest way, that enough is enough. Stop the bullcrap. Stop the political correctness. Stop not listening to the people. Because the people are America and not the life tenured politicians who seem to think that they know what is best. They are leading us down the yellow brick road to extinction. We are traveling down the same path that Rome and Greece took. And everybody needs to wake up and realize they are not here anymore. They are only a footnote in the history books and we need to take care that we aren’t the next chapter.

So, it is time to step forward, it is time to put our foot down, to tell them that their fantasy is over with, done, finis, that it is time to start working for the greater interest of America instead of the interest of some used up political party that can’t understand the truth until it slaps them in the face. It is time to wake up, America, before you lose your country.