The Chinese Student Shooter & More Questions

By Debbie Schlussel


So, the perpetrator of the Virginia Tech massacre is a Chinese national here on a student visa. And, today, this alien did "the job that Americans just won't do."

Remember that the next time you hear President Bush and Condi Clueless waxing lyrical about how we need more foreign students in America. We do not. Remember the Mana Saleh Almanajam and Shaker Mohsen Alsidran, two Saudi students in Tampa, last year, who hijacked a school bus full of kids while wearing trench coats in 90-plus degree weather?


* How did a Chinese national get two 9 MM guns and plenty of ammo to go with it?
* Where did he learn such excellent marksmanship?

* Was he behind the bomb threats in the last couple of weeks?

* Will America--and its out-of-touch university officials in their ivory towers--finally let its college students have the right to keep and bear arms on college campuses, instead of constantly tabling the Second Amendment rights of college students?

And most important:

* Will this make America more vigilant in who it accepts as foreign students and less eager to take in these nationals--site and background virtually unseen?

That's the only question I can answer with a great degree of confidence:

Don't Bet On It.

The biggest lesson here is how vulnerable America's college campuses are to bloody massacres like this one. And how unprepared and poorly-trained campus police are to deal with such situations.

Don't count on that to change too much either.

And remember: Just because this attacker was not Muslim, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of potential and hopeful ones among the thousands Muslim nations are sending here to "study" under Saudi King Abdullah's scholarships.

Like I said, don't forget the two Saudi students from last year.


One other thing: Watch for the gunmaker (whichever manufacturer it is) to get sued by a million sleazy lawyers.

**** UPDATE: Reader Chas asks:

(1) "Officials said the gunman acted alone. But at one point three people were seen being escorted away from Norris Hall, the teaching building where most of the shootings took place, in handcuffs. That raised at least the possibility of a wider criminal conspiracy."
source: ... 455023.ece

(2) if this is just a unplanned domestic dispute gone south, why would
the shooter call in bomb threats to test security days before and then
arrive at the norris bldg heavily ammo up?

(3) if he didn't kill his estranged g/f at the dorm and went looking for her at the norris bldg two hrs later (!!!!!!), is she one of the 32 dead or still alive?

(4) where did the illegal guns come from, if here on a visa and not
allowed purchase firearms? [DS: I asked this same question, above.]

(5) seems like too much damage done for one shooter and two guns.

Good questions, Chas. As yet, no answers. Seems a little too convenient for such a large and effective massacre--and there are a lot of loose ends. But we'll see.

Reader Jeff makes this interesting observation:

HE CHAINED THE DOORS - on other side of campus - cool and collected. If it was domestic why would he have chains (MUST HAVE BEAN A LOT OF CHAINS! AND THAT WOULD TAKE MORE THAN BOOK BAG - to hold all those chains and ammo and two prob Tek-9's - figure he was on his bike or another shooter and perhaps more that were locking those exit doors? . . .
And yes, the enemy is more than certainly watching - and it shows an easier mass casualty rather than all the planning for bombings???


Posted by Debbie at 08:55 PM