Many of the top elected officials in the country told us they were concerned with "homeland security." Bulls!@t! They refuse to properly fund our border patrol along the Mexican border, they criticize groups like the Minutemen, calling them vigalantes, and offer special assistance to illegal immigrants such as health care. Does this sound like they are trying to discourage illegal immigration? Absolutely not! They are encouraging illegal immigration, and they are selling our country to the lowest bidder. Excuse me for saying so, but if you voted for GW Bush this past election, you should be horse whipped. I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or what your political stance may be, if you voted for that rat bastard in the Whitehouse, you made a huge error in judgement. For God sakes folks, don't make the mistake in 2008 of voting for one of his cronies.
So my fellow Americans, what's wrong with this country is owed, at least in part, to us. We are to blame for placing politicians in office who care about some other bottom line than the safty and security of US citizens. We are to blame for listening and believing their retoric, when in our hearts, we have to know they are pulling our legs. We are to blame when we can't vote for someone because of the political party he or she is affiliated with. We are to blame when we feel we have to vote for someone just because they are a member of a party we feel we are affiliated with. We are what's wrong with this country, and therefore, we are the ones who will have to bring about change. We cannot count on elected officials to take our best interests to heart.