CNN Democratic debate January 21, 2008: one weak immigration question

Tonight's CNN "debate" ( ) was as worthless as all the others have been, featuring just one very basic, very weak question about immigration matters. Joe Johns - CNN "reporter" who left whatever little journalistic integrity he had back in Jena, LA - asked:

Senator Obama, we all know what universal health care is, as Senator Clinton just said, sort of the idea that everybody deserves health care. And I have not been able to sort of zero in on your position on this one question: Does your plan cover the estimated 12 million or so illegal immigrants in the country?
Obama said it wouldn't, and then replied:

Well, because I think we've got limited resources. And it is important for us that, when we've got millions of U.S. citizens that aren't yet covered, it's important for us to make sure that they are provided coverage.
How very munificent of him. He then launched into his stock speech about universal healthcare, without disclosing that he supports "comprehensive immigration reform", and under that plan millions of former illegal aliens would be almost instantly converted into legal workers and would thus presumably be eligible for his plan.

At least John Edwards was honest enough (OK, that's not a logical explanation, but there must be some sort of explanation) to include that in his reply to the same question:

And if that is married to comprehensive immigration reform, so that people who are living here undocumented actually have a chance to become American citizens, then I think they've got the opportunity to become part of the plan.
Somehow millions of low-wage workers would be magically transfored from a drain on our limited resources one day to fully partaking in both their plans the next, and the hacks at CNN aren't even willing to suggest that there might be an issue there?

If you'd like to do something about this, please go to campaign appearances, ask tough questions, and upload the responses. That will not only inject policy into the presidential campaigns, it will help show just how bad a job the MSM does.

UPDATE: Now, lightweight and biased "reporter" Soledad O'Brien hosts a roundtable on immigration featuring four political consultant types, two black, two Hispanic. Oddly enough, all of them appear to be supporters of amnesty. Why, it's almost as if CNN doesn't want a real debate about this issue or something.