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September 3, 2008

Illegal immigration an election issue

Illegal immigration is a very serious problem on our southern border, even though we are making small headway on new fences and more guards.

In 2007, our Border Patrol arrested 800,000 invaders. Honest, dedicated agents tell us they interdict and apprehend 17 percent on average. This means that 3.5 million are still coming to the United States illegally in 2008. These illegal immigrants are from more than 80 countries because Mexico itself has a serious illegal immigration problem.

Too many are coming here with serious diseases, 10 percent are seasoned criminals intent on committing felony crimes here, some are potential terrorists, and most are here to grab a nest-egg and leave ... not intending to learn our English language, assimilate into our culture or become U. S. citizens.

If our federal government really wanted to protect our southern border, it would. We are left with the obvious conclusion. Meanwhile, we have more than half a million criminal aliens in our jails and prisons, for cause. We also have burgeoning, violent anarchy along the Mexico boundary.

The U.S.-Mexico border is some 2,000 miles long. Presently, we have some 29,000 U.S. troops (250 per mile) protecting the South Korean border, and almost no one gets across. What will it take for our federal government to awaken to the threat and do something about protecting our country from this invasion?

We need to vote in elected officials who will uphold our Constitution and dump the others!

State Rep. Jim Welker (retired), House District 51,
