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Coachella votes to become an immigrant sanctuary
Move an attempt to prevent local police from arresting the undocumented

Xochitl Peña
The Desert Sun
March 24, 2006

COACHELLA - Declaring its support for undocumented immigrants coming to this agricultural, Latino community, the Coachella City Council voted Wednesday to become a "sanctuary."
One of just a few California cities to declare themselves sanctuaries, Wednesday's 2-1 decision is an attempt to prevent local police in the 97 percent Latino city of 30,000 from becoming an extension of the border patrol, should Congress pass House Resolution 4437.

The Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act, which is slated to go before the U.S. Senate next, authorizes local authorities to enforce federal immigration law, proposes building a $2 million fence along the border and criminalizes those who help the undocumented. It would also authorize police agencies to arrest undocumented immigrants.

The city has deep roots in agriculture; César Chávez once marched through the area to fight for farm laborers' rights. Today, the date, vegetable and table grape operations still rely on immigrant workers from Mexico and their descendents to harvest crops.

Riverside County Sheriff Bob Doyle has said if the congressional bill passes, his deputies, who are responsible for policing Coachella, will enforce the law, even if it's unpopular.