Another junkie in a fit from the American Nursery & Landscape Association

Social Security No-Match and Law of Unintended Consequences - Aug 9, 2007
The issue of the "social security no-match" rule has certainly hit the news, yet little coverage has gotten to the heart of the matter: why do we have this problem, will the approach the government is taking solve it, and at what cost to the average American?

Most Americans probably assume that "illegal aliens" are knowingly hired by shady employers and paid cash under the table. The facts paint a far different picture:

- Most employers are meeting their obligations under the law, looking at the required forms of identification at time of hire. Yet, particularly in some sectors where Americans aren't really interested in the work -- agriculture and seasonal jobs top the list -- many of the documents are false.

- The immigrant workers in question are having Social Security and applicable federal, state, or local taxes withheld. Literally billions are being paid into Social Security alone by workers who will never have a claim on benefits. In other words, your grandfather's or father's Social Security monthly check is being subsidized by "illegal aliens."

As for whether the rule will work, the answer is probably not. It certainly will cause major disruption for employers, and it may drive immigrant workers off the books so that they are no longer paying into the federal treasury, but it won't likely flush them out of the country.

It may well increase organized criminal identity theft networks, since legitimate names and numbers won't likely be reported as mismatches even when used by a worker to whom they don't belong.

And as for the true costs? Time will tell, but goods and services will be disrupted or become more expensive. In the case of agriculture, enforcement without a broader solution will drive fruit and vegetable production to other countries, with unknown impacts on food reliability and safety.

Some say the industry is to blame. The truth is Congress is to blame. For over ten years agricultural employers have sought reforms to the law that would ensure clarity, integrity, and access to legal workers. For over ten years the industry has heard every excuse, and more than enough partisan bickering. The rule now being anticipated won't solve the problem, and will have unintended consequences. The question is, will it prompt Congress to find the courage to finally act?
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