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My Opinion: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus
By Miguel Contreras,
Posted on Sun Feb 4th, 2007 at 01:49:50 AM EST
Due to the recent problems facing members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with the "he say, she say" may be U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo is right, this time. Do we really need to have different Congressional Minority Caucus?
This reminds me when I was with the Legacy U.S. Customs Service, because we had Customs Special Emphasis Groups, such as Hispanics, and African-Americans, then Assistant Commissioner for Investigations John Hensley decided to organize a Native American Indian Special Emphasis group because he had a certain Indian blood percentage.

My personal experience with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, since I am Mexican-American, has been always negative. I have contacted their office numerous times since 1995 up until 2005 to seek their support and assistance with the Customs Hispanic Special Agents Class Action lawsuit of discrimination. I never got a response from any Congressional Hispanic Caucus member, or anyone from the non-government staff working for that office.
When one Hispanic U.S. Representative from Texas, (sorry I forgot his name but it is OK since he is no longer a member of the U.S. Congress) was going to help us, his old buddy Asa Hutchinson who was in charge of our Legacy U.S. Customs agency at one time, gave him a call and asked him not to get involved with our case. We never heard from that former Hispanic U.S. Representative or his staff members.

I voted for Raul Grijalva, D-U.S. Representative for Arizona on November 7, 2006 and re-elected him for his second term in office. I have contacted him several times but he has never taken the time to respond.

Thus, in my humble personal opinion the Congressional Hispanic Caucus or any Hispanic minority member who claims to be representing our U.S. largest minority ethnic group are only giving us "lip services" big time. Further, it seems like chances are that you will get better representation from a non-minority member of the U.S. Congress....but then again, the reality is that if you are "well connected" you may get some results but don't hold your breath. When dealing with politics and "politicos" is like dealing with car salespeople.