Courage crashes against status quo

Thursday, January 24, 2008 2:05 AM MST


In the Jan. 17 Casper Star-Tribune editorial, the editorial board writes: "Though Minuteman leaders say their movement is not racist, almost all of their attention is focused on Mexicans who cross the U.S. border. They show little interest in the millions of illegal aliens from non-Hispanic countries."

While it is true that illegal border crossers also come from Middle Eastern nations with known terrorist ties, could someone there kindly tell us what race "Hispanic" is?

According to the U.S. Census, about 90 percent of illegal immigration comes from Latin America -- with 70 percent from Mexico.

The clear inference here is that if Americans stand up for secure borders, an equal application of American immigration and employment laws -- even for Hispanic illegal aliens -- they must prove they are not "racist."

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a far-left money machine which has run out of nutball and actually racist KKK members to go after and has drawn a bead on any American who has the courage to report illegal immigration activity to the feds -- all the Minutemen have ever done.

Fund-raising must have an issue, you know.

Here in Georgia, we watched quietly for years as the PC police stood guard over the criminal employers and the well-funded open borders/illegal alien lobby until English was an optional language and the victims of geography who made it past our brave border patrol agents marched in the streets of Atlanta screaming for driver's licenses, amnesty, citizenship and "justice," while waving the flag of Mexico.

We now have more than half-a-million illegal aliens here; our low-skilled wages are declining; Americans are being denied jobs because they don't speak Spanish; our schools are overcrowded, bilingual, less efficient; and our hospitals are going broke.

We are not quiet anymore.

Who will monitor the corrupt federal government that has refused to secure American borders in a war on terror? Once upon a time in America, that was the job of responsible journalists and newspapers.

The illegal aliens, their lobbyists and their employers will not be intimidated by an opinion commentary -- assuming someone there finds the courage to write one opposing them.

DONALD (D.A.) KING, Marietta, Ga.

President, Dustin Inman Society ... ogcomments