Reader can't afford illegal immigration
Comments 50
December 28, 2010 7:19 PM


As has been the norm of late, the VMS (Harlingen Valley Morning News) hasn’t seen fit to print any of my writings, and that is fine. They need to make room for everyone, completely understood. What isn’t understood is how they always seem to have room for repeat writers who wish to discuss how wrong I am for wanting the borders of my beloved Texas closed. When it comes to "slamming" my viewpoint, luckily, there is always room for one more.

Mr. Ochoa, you can compare popcorn & pickles all day, and claim no correlation, the problem is, we are not talking about snack food. A fairly high per percentage of ILLEGAL immigrants are coming from Mexico (and through Mexico, although there is a BIG difference between from and through). When a person comes into the country through the proper procedure, we have a pretty good idea about who they are. A hardworking guy (girl, family etc) who want nothing more than to be in America. Make a decent living, get an education for their kids, live a peaceful life. I applaud that, I welcome it, it is what this country was based on.

What I will NEVER be in favor of, is allowing the free movement of people who sneak in here. We have no idea who they are, their possible connections to drug cartels, murders etc. We simply don’t know anything about them.

Now, for you, that may be fine and acceptable. For me, NEVER. No one, including me, Mr. Ochoa, has ever said that all immigrants are bad people, nor has it been said that all Mexicans are bad people, nor has it been whispered that immigration into the USA is a negative thing, although that is what you would have people believe.

What has been said, to the point of craziness, is, come in through the front door, so I know who I am welcoming. Do not hide under the cover of darkness; that is what thieves and scoundrels do. If you want to be thought of as a good human being who deserves the life you can carve out in the USA, THEN ACT LIKE ONE. If you do not want to be lumped into the pot of criminals, then do not commit a criminal act. It is really very simple. In fact, it is so simple, that people like you want to try to twist this issue into something it is not. You want it to be an inflamed racial issue when the reality is, follow the law and you can come in. Period. Try as you might, Mr. Ochoa, you cannot change a criminal into a law-abiding citizen simply by calling him one. The proof is in the actions.

Even people seeking asylum have to show their faces and be seen and heard. You and your ilk want the benefits of being an American without having to do the work. You can call me whatever you like, sir, but at the least you cannot call me a criminal or a liar, as I have been in the country legally all of my life, and I have never tried to make this issue anything but what it is.

ILLEGAL immigration must stop. Benefits to those who have not earned them MUST STOP, welfare as a lifestyle MUST STOP, making me pay for your ILLEGAL kids, grandkids, aunts and uncle MUST STOP. If your people are running from poverty and crime, why in the name of all that is good would you advocate bringing that poverty level and crime here! We are going broke supporting all of the illegals in this country, our schools cannot support the number of NON-English-speaking students we are required to accomodate, our medical teams can no longer give care to those who need it because the ERs are so full of those who use them as the family doctor, what more do you want from the American people sir?

I am broke Mr. Ochoa, I have nothing left to give. I cannot buy the name brands MY kid wants because I am too busy supporting YOUR kids. I cannot take MY kid to the movies, and buy him the popcorn & pickle because I have already been forced to buy it for YOUR kid.

It appears that your family and mine taught us different values, sir. My family taught me to be a giving person, but not be taken advantage of nor was I taught to take without earning. I was also taught not to break the law and then scream when I got caught. I was taught to follow the rules and do the right thing, even when the right thing was contrary to what I wanted. Seems you were taught to take, and keep taking, no matter whether you deserved it, or earned it or not.

Mr. Ochoa, I cannot afford you any more. I have given my last nickel, and your talk about racism, etc., will never change that. My folks gave, apparently your folks took, and without even a thank you. The more the U.S. gives, the more is expected. We are finished, sir. Until you learn to ask for it in English, you will get nothing more. If you are so unhappy with the way things are here in the USA, if you are so unhappy with the fact that we are like an indulgent parent who finally learned to say NO, well, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.


EDITOR’S NOTE: We counted in our archives some 17 letters from M.D. Gerdes published this year in the Star. This one makes 18; two more of her letters are pending. Only seven of her 2010 submissions were not published, mainly due to excessive length and/or timeliness, not subject matter.

A second frequent contributor had 18 letters published in the Star this year. Thirteen did not run; one other is pending.

A third frequent writer has had 19 letters published during 2010, with two more pending. Four of his never ran.

Of all the Star’s current readers, these three are the most prolific writers. We do attempt to print as many letters from all sources as we can. ... eader.html