‘Fugitive Backlog’ of Illegal Aliens More than 500,000, Says Department of Homeland Security
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
By Penny Starr

As of Sunday, Sept. 5, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had a backlog of fugitive illegal aliens of 506,232 people. This is slightly larger than the entire population of the city of Sacramento, California, currently at 486, 189.

The fugitive illegal aliens are individuals who were apprehended by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for being in the United States illegally and then were released ahead of their court proceedings and deemed fugitive when they failed to appear in court.

Brian P. Hale, director of public affairs at ICE, was asked by CNSNews.com about the DHS’s annual report Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2009, which reports on apprehensions and deportations but does not include data on illegal aliens who are fugitives from the law.

CNSNews.com asked if ICE could provide the number of illegal alien fugitives for FY 2009 and the number to date for 2010.

In an e-mail to CNSNews.com, Hale said the fugitive backlog as of Oct. 1, 2009 (the end of FY 2009) was 534,497. He also said that number had been reduced by 28, 265 since then, making the total fugitive backlog of illegal aliens 506,232 as of Sept. 5, 2010.

Sacramento County, California, incorporated and unincorporated areas. (Wikipedia Commons) Hale said that ICE personnel are spending more time arresting criminal illegal aliens rather than fugitive illegal aliens.

“It is important to note that our fugitive operations teams now can spend up to 30 percent of their time arresting convicted criminals at-large,â€