House Bill 304 (Increase law enforcement powers over illegal immigration)

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To: Kentucky Legislature
2008 House Bill 304 (Increase law enforcement powers over illegal immigration)

Introduced by Rep. Robert R Damron on January 16, 2008, to expand definition of identity theft to include, among other things, use of another's identity to gain employment. The bill also expands the ability of local and state officials to enforce federal immigration laws. The bill also prohibits intentional employment of illegal aliens by those who do business with any publicly created entities of government. The bill provides for employers found to be employing illegal aliens unknowingly to avoid prosecution but to, instead, be ordered to file quarterly reports on immigration status of all employees during a probationary period. Any employer found to be employing illegal aliens during a probationary period will be subject to losing its business license. The bill also prohibits any unit of government from directing its employees or agents to not follow the provisions of this bill. The provisions in this bill would become effective on January 1, 2009.
Referred to the House Judiciary Committee on January 22, 2008.


The Undersigned