DNC Proves They Can’t Find Their Butt With Both Hands
By Greg L | 4 April 2008 | National Politics | 11 Comments

When the Democratic National Committee decides to take John McCain to task for having his ads appear on BVBL (Black Velvet Bruce Li blog) via Google AdWords, they might want to do a little homework first. Ads for Mark Warner and Barrack Obama have appeared on this site, and it never seemed to bother them before.

They also might want to improve their credibility by doing a little research on whether the claims of the SPLC are credible in any way as well: http://www.bvbl.net/index.php/2008/03/2 ... aw-center/ . Typical.

UPDATE: RNC spokeswoman Liz Mair has this to say in response: “In view of the fact that the DNC attacked John McCain for running ads on a blog at which we now know Barack Obama and Democratic US Senate candidate Mark Warner have also advertised, the DNC should either apologize for, and withdraw, its ham-handed attack on John McCain or similarly condemn both Obama and Warner.â€