Guess he doesn't want to be President anytime soon. Playing the hate-monger card against the GOP is a cop out and easy way to end debate and harden polarization of an issue. Wake up Dean! You are a transparent stooge. Fear and division occur when you bring in a large angry population and give them no incentive to assimilate. It also occurs when you bring them in and blame someone else for exploiting them. Why don't these aliens see that they are being exploited by the very same people who claim to be helping them!!!

"Governor Dean spoke about immigration reform and the debate going on in Congress and across the country. He discussed how Democrats are fighting for comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens our borders, protects U.S. workers and their wages, reunites families, and allows hard working immigrants who pay taxes and obey the law the opportunity to apply for U.S. citizenship. He stressed that immigration reform is not just a Hispanic issue, but one that affects many different communities, as reflected by those in attendance. Governor Dean pointed out that the Republicans have been pushing the anger button for too long, playing the politics of fear and division. He noted that most Americans don't believe in the wholesale round-up and deportation of undocumented immigrants, as called for in the House Republicans' immigration bill that was passed in December."

From DNC website at -->