Free Republic

[On Illegal Immigration and 2nd Amendment] The Press Is Our Enemy
Townhall ^ | February 16, 2009 | J.M. Powers

Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 6:05:46 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

I think we all realize that our open southern border is a real problem. Illegal aliens are raping, murdering, stealing our identities and assaulting our citizenry, not to mention sucking up welfare dollars by the billions and devastating our medical facilities and our economy in general.

What do we hear from the media? We need the illegal aliens here, the Mexicans are doing the jobs that Americans won’t do. Well, for once, the media is right.

But it’s not picking cabbage or washing dishes that Americans won’t do, Americans have always done that. So what job won’t Americans do?

There are two huge industries that need workers…and Americans won’t do it. Americans don’t do it. In order for these multi-billion dollar businesses to survive, Illegal Aliens have to do the work.

I’m talking about Drug and Human Trafficking and they are both big business. Someone has to run these drugs. Someone has to sell these drugs. Someone has to kidnap American Citizens and sell them to prostitution rings. Someone has to kidnap American Citizens and hold them for ransom. And Americans just won’t do it.

Mexico City leads the world in kidnappings. But guess who is number 2? Moscow? Nope. Bogota, Columbia? Nope. How about Phoenix, Arizona? You got it. The internationally enormous Phoenix, Arizona. Why would Phoenix be number 2 in the world for kidnappings? Very simple…its proximity to the U.S.-Mexico Border. A person is kidnapped every day in Phoenix. They are held for ransom or sold into prostitution rings.

What is our government doing about this alarming problem? When Compean and Ramos, two border patrol agents, shot a drug smuggler/illegal alien, Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila of Mexico in the buttocks as he tried to escape, the two hero border patrol agents were given medals of valor….no wait, that’s what should have happened. Nope, they were sentenced to 11+ years in prison.

The guy they shot had 800 pounds of marijuana in his van. After he was released, he went back to Mexico and was caught again bringing massive amounts of drugs into our country.

But never fear! ABC News has the answer. In the online article about the Phoenix kidnapping problem (Kidnapping Capital of the U.S.A.), they refer to a “Relatedâ€