Jessica Colotl, who has dominated our local news since she was arrested for driving without a license, attending our State university as a Georgia resident illegally, helped herself to the HOPE scholarship by answering the question of whether she was a citizen with a "yes", and then lied to the Sheriff about her address and phone number. She was arrested and held in the ICE detention facility, but the college intervened (mind you, a taxpayer supported university) and arranged for her to be released and given a year to finish college. She demanded a jury trial even though she knew she was guilty of driving without a license.

Now Georgia taxpayers will have to bend over again - they will appeal this case.

Jessica Colotl, the Kennesaw State University student at the middle of an immigration controversy, was sentenced Monday to serve three days in jail for her conviction of driving without a license.

Colotl, who appeared before Judge Kathryn Tanksley in Cobb State Court, was also given 12 months of probation and fined $1,000 plus court costs.

Prosecutor Rachel Bearman had asked for Colotl to serve 10 days in jail.

Colotl’s attorney, Jerome Lee, will appeal her conviction and sentence to the Georgia Court of Appeals. Colotl was not taken into custody, pending that appeal.

That means another year of freedom at least.