James Parks/AFL-CIO, Jennifer Ludden/NPR promote bad, inhumane public policy, illegal immigration

Jennifer Ludden of National Public Radio (NPR) offers a two-part series about those deported from the U.S. to El Salvador in "Deportee Back Home After Near-Death Trip to U.S." (npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89383189) and "Deportee a Stranger in His Homeland" (npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89431942). To a certain extent they're both cautionary tales illustrating why people shouldn't try to come to the U.S. illegally. And, they're also both largely pointless and shallow character sketches. However, as her "notebook" entry makes clear (npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89209765), the stories are designed for an emotional impact and that's the one that they'll no doubt have to the useful idiots who listen to NPR and who are unable to think things through. The first two segments were produced by Marisa Penaloza.

Namely that it's horrific public policy to allow people in that and other countries the "out" of coming to the U.S. illegally. The correct policy response would be to try to improve conditions in those countries. The U.S. simply doesn't have the resources to be an "out" for all the people in El Salvador, Mexico, and the like who are having difficulties in their home countries. To present that as a policy prescription is also inhumane, because there are hundreds of millions or billions of people worse off than those depicted.

One of those joining in with Ludden's inability to think things through is James Parks of the AFL-CIO (blog.aflcio.org/2008/04/08/
Click here to follow Cuellar’s journey home and learn more about what really happens to immigrants who come here seeking a better life... The AFL-CIO has called for real, comprehensive immigration reform that protects the rights of immigrant workers and provides a pathway to citizenship.
The AFL-CIO's goal is to increase their membership ranks and to increase their political power. Thinking things through is not on their agenda.