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Friday, September 1, 2006
Last modified Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:20 PM PDT

A different type of alien invasion

By: GREG SCHARF - For the North County Times

On Sunday, Old Town was invaded ---- not by illegal aliens, but by carpetbaggers who came from miles around to stick their noses into the business of this city.

They came to harass day laborers who look for work at the edge of Old Town, disturbing nobody.

A while ago, I commented to a member of our City Council that I would not hire a day laborer from Old Town. I was asked "Why not? Most of them are working with a green card ---- they've followed the rules." This was confirmed also by an officer of Temecula Police Department. The watchword against the Mexican immigrants has been "lawbreakers," so if they follow the law, what's the beef? Are we really going to sweat taxes on a guy who makes 40 or 50 bucks a day?

I'd like to make several Carpetbagging Knothead awards to some individuals.

The first goes to William Villafona, who came all the way from Orange to help us with our "problem." He carried a sign that said "This Is Not Mexifornia."

Actually, that's arguable. Alta (Upper) California (where we live) was formed by the Spaniards in 1804, and since Baja (Lower) California is in Mexico, in a way, this actually is Mexifornia.

The second goes to Jan Smedley of Upland, who cackled that "these people are breaking our laws." Again, almost all of them are working legally, and if you're talking about city ordinances, they're our laws, not yours, so stay the hell home, will ya?

And Larry Culbertson, all the way from San Juan Capistrano ---- he said he'd drive 200 miles for this kind of thing. Yet, he probably complains about our dependence on foreign oil.

Ann Chandler was "delighted" that the number of prospective workers was down and describes men trying to find work as a "blight." There are no windows facing the vacant lot from the hotel next door, the Stampede is closed in the mornings and I would imagine those who come to patronize Dan's Feed and Seed might have use for a worker occasionally. Keeping a guy from legally feeding his family is nothing to be delighted about in my book.

Theresa Miller drove from Redlands, saying she was demoralized by the May 1 demonstrations. I have to concede that one. The Mexican flags upset a lot of us.

Comments like that of Robert Stirling, who said that the illegals are here to "rape our children" are just plain stupid and allows racism to enter this volatile issue.

On the other hand, I wish I could say I was shocked to find out that our state Assembly has passed an initiative granting in-state college tuition to children of illegals who have successfully attended high school for three years, yet an American citizen from out of state will pay more. That's crap. I'm still shaking my head over the overturning of Proposition 187. I understand the animosity illegal immigration generates. I feel it, too.

But we don't need out-of-towners here to interfere with people legally seeking work. We have an excellent police force and the Border Patrol doesn't spend much time in Old Town because they don't need to.

If they're really concerned about American jobs, go demonstrate at Wal-Mart. The textile, clothing and consumer electronics industry here have been pretty much wiped out due to our insisting on lower prices without considering the ramifications.

Greg Scharf of Temecula is a regular columnist for The Californian. E-mail: