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A day without illegal aliens

Posted: April 6, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

İ 2006

The reaction to my idea for "A Day Without Americans" has been overwhelmingly positive and strong.

I have a feeling, based on my own sense of outrage among dedicated, hard-working, loyal, taxpaying, honest U.S. citizens, that most Americans are fed up with illegal aliens – and their new inclination to demonstrate a sense of entitlement is only making matters worse.

It's one thing to sneak into this country in search of a better way of life.

It's one thing to take up permanent residency and start dropping anchor babies.

It's one thing to take advantage of America's education system, its hospital care, it's Social Security system and its generous welfare system.

It's one thing to be part of a wave of unwanted and unwelcome and unauthorized immigration that is changing the very character of our English-speaking country.

It's one thing to be part of a population shift that has made it easy for drug dealers, criminals and terrorists to hide behind the skirts of ordinary civilians.

It's another thing, though, to act like you are doing your host country a favor by being here.

It's another thing to insult those hosts who have been so patient with you, so tolerant, so accommodating.

It's another thing to fly the American flag upside down and to hoist the Mexican flag above it.

It's another thing entirely when you start saying that you have more rights in this country than do American citizens.

And those have been the messages American citizens have been getting from these massive rallies in Los Angeles and Chicago.

Suffice it to say the illegals and their supporters are doing more to harm their cause – and alienating themselves from mainstream America – than anything the Minutemen have ever done.

Now they are threatening to hold "A Day Without Latinos."

They might be very surprised to find out how many Americans would be delighted to have at least one day without Latinos – especially without the illegal alien variety of Latinos.

In fact, Americans are pretty sick and tired of all groups who label themselves as anything but Americans – all the while insinuating themselves into our lives and our pocketbooks.

I think Americans will be grateful when May 1 comes along and we have a day without illegal aliens. I don't think the American economy will skip a beat. I don't think any Americans will lose a wink of sleep. Do you know of anyone – with the possible exception of Archer Daniels Midland Corp. – who is honestly worried about a day without illegal aliens in America?

I don't know about you, but I could get used to such days. I'd like to sign up for more. I think that will be the attitude of most Americans as May 1 comes along – especially if those illegal aliens are out in the streets calling the rest of us racists, bigots and imperialists, again.

I don't really have a beef with Mexican peasants who try to make a way for their family by escaping the horrific conditions of exploitation and poverty that exist for them south of the border. But I do have a beef with George Bush, the U.S. Congress, the Ford Foundation, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, MALDEF, LULAC, La Raza, MEChA and the rest of the pukes trying to override the rule of law and the will of the people in my country.

So, while the activists are running "A Day Without Latinos" up their Mexican flagpole, I'm running my own idea up the U.S. flagpole.

Consider "A Day Without Americans."

I don't know exactly what it means. I don't know exactly when it is. I don't know exactly what we do or don't do. But consider the power.

Maybe it's July 4.

Maybe it's Election Day.

Maybe it's right around the corner on April 15.

All I know is that it's time for real Americans to stand up for freedom, self-government, the Constitution, independence, self-reliance, sovereignty, God and country.

We had better start planning our own day of reckoning.