Drop the hatred!
Por Al DĂ*a Newspaper
18:32 | 12/04/08

That an inebriated and infuriated Ecuadorian kills a person in Bensalem, PA does not in any way or form justify that some teenagers assault and stab another Ecuadorian in Long Island, NY.

Both crimes are equally abominable and a source of indignation… both yield mourning families.

The sentiment of pain, sorrow, and bitterness is all but one and the same, it affects us all regardless of gender, race or religion.

Race, religion, gender, or country of origin, make no crime any different for its victims, nor for its perpetrators: A crime is such regardless of who perpetrated it or who was victimized by it.

It is shameful, but more than anything inhumane to justify that a hard working and innocent Hispanic should be stabbed to death in New York, because a month later some other Hispanic in Pennsylvania murdered a white man.

Again, it would be shameful as well as inhumane to justify that an inebriated criminal who happens to be Hispanic and kills a white bar tender, as some sort of abject retribution for another white man’s crime.

Both events are ludicrous and have brought shame to both communities the Anglo and the Hispanic.

A sensible Anglo community rejects the crime perpetrated against the Ecuadorian in Long Island, and a sensible Hispanic community decries the crime in Pennsylvania, both criminals embarrass their respective communities.

Unfortunately there are criminals of all races, religious backgrounds and genders… How wonderful it would be if ICE, our Immigration and Customs Enforcement had the power to deport them out of our planet altogether!

Whenever a crime is perpetrated by someone that happens to be Hispanic our website www.pontealdia.com is inundated with comments posted by unscrupulous individuals desiring to justify crimes perpetrated against immigrants.

One crime will never justify or warrant another crime.

Everyone is invited by AL DIA to have a share in an edifying and constructive discussion; nevertheless, to do so all are entreated to drop their hatred first.