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Jupiter Courier editorial: Recent immigration story shows our double standard
March 27, 2005

When in the early hours of Tuesday, March 15, a boat carrying 14 illegal immigrants from Haiti, China and Jamaica slipped inside Jupiter Inlet and dumped its human cargo, police and sheriff's deputies went on the prowl and the U.S. Border Patrol was on the move. By dawn, our Homeland Security forces had these wet, exhausted people mostly rounded up, handcuffed and ready to ship down to Krome Detention Center in Miami-Dade County.

Most, if not all, will be deported to their home countries.

In the March 16 edition of The Courier, the headline at the top of the front page read "Illegal aliens come ashore." The subhead explained: "... people from Haiti, Jamaica and China are apprehended ..."

In a letter to the editor, Bud Vereen of Jupiter noted that he couldn't stop laughing because of the political hypocrisy the headline represents. (See Readers Forum this page).

Mr. Vereen pointed out that as the sun rose and Haitians and others were beginning their sad journey back to their respective homelands â€â€