Analysis- Potential plot to form a North American Union mandates a federal investigation
Marty Eels
Published 10/19/2007 - 3:15 p.m.

Former Mexican President, Vincente Fox, made comments recently on television shows promoting unfettered immigration from Mexico to the United States. Fox’s statements revealed that immigration may be being used as a to integrate the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Vincente Fox called for integrating North America and seemed to openly call for the end of the U.S. government by stating his long term support for a North American Union.

On Larry King Live he also appeared to implicate President Bush in a plot to create a regional currency similar to the Euro Dollar.

The implications are startling.

The apparent implication is that President Bush has been plotting to create a North American Union. The North American Union is outlined in this Council on Foreign Relations document.

In short, they propose to replace all three branches of the U.S. government as such:

North American Advisory Council

Consisting of 15 members, five from each nation, that will hold biannual summits designed to set the agendas for the three presidents and be a voice for the North American Union. It should be noted that the U.S. Congress supposed to set the agenda for the president.

Merging Parliamentary groups

replace the U.S. Congress by merging the parliamentary systems of each nation and creating a North American parliament.

A North American Court

the proposed North American Court will replace the U.S. Supreme Court as the highest court in the land.

Continental Perimeter

Eliminating the national boundaries between Mexico, Canada, and the United States by creating a North American Customs and Immigration force along with an integrated North American Department of Homeland Security (North American Police Force)

Common External Tariff (CEF)

The proposed North American tariff will redistribute wealth to Mexico and strengthen the North American government.

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America SPP was created in 1995 by the executive branch of government. While it claims that national sovereignty is not at risk with a North American Union the SPP stretches its credibility with the claim and doesn’t seem to have a legal justification to its existence.

The Executive branch of government has no authority to replace the United States representative government with a North American government.

The actions of the Bush administration regarding trade, immigration, and even interference with the judicial branch of government, claiming international courts supersede U.S. court rulings, in light of Fox’s comments, and the CFR document, become very suspect.

The North American Union was once diminished as conspiracy theory but slowly the opposition gets louder as this potential scheme to replace the U.S. government becomes plausible. Bush’s recent comments in Canada that a North American Union was a conspiracy theory are contradicted by the statements of his friend, the former President of Mexico.

Lou Dobbs of CNN has been calling for a federal investigation of the North American Union for quite some time. And Earlier this year, Presidential candidate, and Texas Congressman, Ron Paul, weighed in on the issue when describing wording about accelerating the North American Union in legislation proposing illegal alien amnesty. Paul said:

“There are many other very troubling items buried deep in the Senate’s immigration compromise. The bill explicitly calls for an “accelerationâ€