... aliens.txt

Letter: Illegal aliens should be kicked out of country

Re: Deborah Smith's Dec. 23 guest opinion. Ah, Smith, ever the advocate for illegal aliens, illegally here, illegally working jobs they have no legal right to have and, from my experience, ever so illegally sponging off the community's services wherever they are living. Those illegals needed to be deported, and I, among millions of U.S. taxpayers, am happy they were.

That any of the detainees could or could not prove their U.S. citizenship and/or residency can be understood as a product of the situation created by the illegals with their fake, illegal identifications. Once those white, black, brown and yellow workers proved they were legal, they were released. The key point is that all the illegals were apprehended.

That the raids were held in December was, I imagine, because that was when they could assemble the agents necessary for the five-state raid.

And what Smith calls immigrants were, are and will continue to be illegal aliens here, taking advantage of the system, flouting their presence with fake driver's licenses, fake Social Security numbers and irresponsible behavior such as leaving their children unattended.

Smith can get off her ivory tower and see what I and millions of other Americans see. We want an immigration policy that does just what those raids did. We want the illegals out of our country. We want fences on the border. We want citizens and only legal residents here.

Tom Reidy
Fort Peck