This is a letter from a friend in New Jersey. He is a lot more proactive than most of us are. And he is aslo very articulate in what he has to say. He emails everybody that pisses him off, Calderon, the leaders of Lulac, LaRaza and every other OBL in existence. And he has a lot of hard hitting things to say to them. If you are not on his email list I encourage you to get on it.

Thanks, Terry, and I hope that you and yours are faring well as well. I know damn good and well that because of my posture about matters my e-mails and many other things are being monitored, but it probably puts a smile on the faces of the right people in our government along with many others who know the situation and the law. The situation that we all face is not bleak, but it still needs to be dealt with and turned is happening as more and more Americans see the light. Regarding my style....all I can say is that a buddy in the navy many years ago said I had a way with words.....and I am not afraid to confront people who are stepping on my toes especially when I know that I am right. You are doing the same thing....don't stop, buddy. I am not into BS, but I know how to play power politics and when I can get the attention of the Canadian government, my own elected officials, Lou Dobbs and other media people and now the Mexicans, then I am making progress. I may have crossed the line a few times hence I got visits from the FBI, but when they started to see the big picture, then things started to happen....Elvira Arellano isn't here anymore.....guess who pushed the envelope?

Merry Xmas.
